ZhengZhou 郑州, HeNan province

One of the 'Eight Great Ancient Capitals' of China.

Great music in this beautiful film ...

HeNan map

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Beautiful YangShuo, GuangXi province
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The 2010 Asian Games closing gala – best songs
A selection of beautiful performances from the 16th Asian Games held in GuangZhou, provincial capital of GuangDong ... Sing Sing So - Indonesia Mongolia Sakura - Japan Yue Guang Guang - China Kazakhstan Happy Journey Mongani by Gupta Tanya & Ravi Tripathi Sunshine Again
Planning war on China – part 18
What is called 'democracy' is elite rule; money buys power / fool the people that they have significance. 'Democracy' is the subterfuge that is capture / takeover by other means. In the West, you don't have any real say, other than which side of the same coin is to 'represent' you. To keep one from seeing the bigger picture, and a sense of being part of humanity, the West focuses you on personal identity (misdirection), and that you are 'free'. This is the mix of 'divide and rule', plus mental chains (beliefs) over physical chains, as the new slavery. Anyone who opens their eyes can see it, right in front of them; how one is constantly programmed. Another aspect of the control is money; that is what limits your real freedom; and refocuses your life on the material / survival. The walls and bars of our prison are internalized. To add to the confusion, these elements are projected onto the 'others'. The bigger picture, the full reality, is kept hidden, while the focus remains on endless little bits that are easily construed a certain way. Once one sees reality, the purpose behind all the little steps that make up the 'news' becomes clear. In the end, the West's elite can only rule with the acquiescence of the vast majority. With The Gravel Institute ... In China, the people are family. In the West, the people are livestock. Hence, China is a 'threat' to the Western elite; the threat of a good example. On how the US rules Taiwan ... On Iran - sanctions and the 'nuclear deal' ... On the Laos - China high speed rail link ...
China 中国 travel trip, with drone (2)
Hiking through the beautiful Tiger Leaping Gorge 虎跳峡
Tiger Leaping Gorge in YunNan province lies 60 kilometers north of LiJiang and is part of the UNESCO 'Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan' World Heritage Site. The gorge in gorgeous 4K by Milosh Kitchovitch ... Hiking with Tim and Glo ... The site of the leaping rock close up, by Valpard ... The gorge is one of the world's deepest canyons and is populated by a few villages of the NaXi minority. Around 15 km in length, the gorge is located where the river passes between 5,600 meter high Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and the 5,400 meter high HaBa Snow Mountain in a series of rapids below steep 2000 meter cliffs. Legend says that in order to escape from a hunter, a tiger jumped across the river at its narrowest point (still 25 meters wide, though with a rock in the middle). There are a fair number of basic guesthouses for hikers, so your visit does not need to be rushed. These can also provide meals or snacks to passers by. The Hiking Trails. Hiking the entire length of the gorge is possible. There are two paths. The 'the high road' is well-maintained by the locals and marked, although sometimes narrow, and is used by the Naxi as part of everyday life. This trail is longer than the lower road, approximately 22 kilometers (14 miles), but more varied. It features a variety of micro-ecosystems and waterfalls, and is probably the best choice if you only take one of the paths. The 'low road' is a stretch of pavement (until recently a simple mule track) crossed by several waterfalls. This path more closely follows the Yangtze, so there are more views of the river and a stronger sense of being in a gorge. Where the high road descends to meet the lower road, one can climb down to the river near the Tiger Leaping Stone, the point at which the tiger is said to have leaped across in two bounds. Preparation That the gorge is outstandingly beautiful is coupled with the need for care. The environment is natural and so the almost absence of safety clutter puts the responsibility on the those visiting. Rockfalls are not unknown. Prepare for wet weather, which can arrive suddenly, and use suitable shoes. Take extra care when crossing wet rocks and in general don't take risks; think first. Don't go alone in case of accident. Take a mobile phone. Swimming and kayaking are extremely dangerous and must be avoided. Don't go off track; take a map (essential). Head back to your lodgings well before dusk as, being within a gorge, light fades quickly.
Planning war on China – part 13
With The New Atlas. Brian Berletic and Angelo Giuliano cut through the propaganda and shine light on realities ... Bonus films ... On Thailand ... On Nicaragua ... On Palestine ... On Syria ... On Cuba ... On Yemen ... On Taiwan ... On Western propaganda puppets ...
The Spring Festival Gala, 2024 – Don’t miss it
Some highlights from the annual spectacular. Performers showcase Xinjiang's splendid musical culture ... Reunion (awesome music and dance) ... Celebration ... Preparing for the Year of the Dragon (animation) ... The poetic dance, "The Painting Journey – The Legend of a Panorama of Mountains and Rivers", highlights the aesthetics of traditional Chinese painting ... Beautiful patterns ... The magic of tea ... Hanfu show, 'Ni Chang' ... Martial arts dance ... Hanfu dance ... A special performance with the traditional Chinese instruments of the Sanxian and the Doumbek, as well as the Flamenco guitar - the sound of the dessert ... Sending good wishes ... More to come ...
Memories of the ShangHai 上海 World Expo 2010 (8)
1. Shanghai pavilion 2. State Grid (light show) 3. Russia 4. Asia and Americas 5. Europe 6. Europe and Africa 7. Human Footprint (history and ecology) 8. Food Street 9,10,11 Dance and music (including Tunisia, XinJiang and Inner Mongolia) 12. China pavilion and overview
LiuZhou 柳州 city, GuangXi province

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