XiShuangBanNa 西双版纳, YunNan province

The people, architecture, language and culture here reflects the Shan, Dai and Tai ethnic minorities, with similarities to the neighboring Thai (Thailand) and Lao (Laos) people.

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Two days in historical WuZhen water town, ZheJiang province
WuZhen 乌镇, a 1,300 years old water town on the lower reaches of the YangTze River, is a national 5A scenic area and one of China's top ten historical & cultural places. With the crystal ...
XuanWu Park 宣武公园, BeiJing 北京
The small(ish) and little-known but perfectly-formed park in south west Beijing.
A view of HangZhou 杭州
HangZhou is located in north-western ZheJiang province, at the southern end of the Grand Canal, which runs from BeiJing, in the south-central portion of the YangTze river delta.
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BeiJingBuzzz is 15 years old !  A retrospect …
Just a taster till January 2021. For the first few days it wasn't even going to be a video based site - but within a week it was. But back in 2005, there were few videos and the quality of what did exist was, er, not great ; ) But we had a vision ... 15 years can be a long time in the tech world. We'll bring you some memories of yesteryear here in the coming weeks. We have always focused on the very best - wacky, wonderful, awe-inspiring, beautiful, awakening ... A typically eclectic mix of wonderful on the way. But we can't say that without a little taster ... A contemporary arts zone in north east BeiJing with many galleries, bookshops, cafes and more. Changes all the time; though some 1950s factory look lingers. If you like to wander and come across the unexpected, it is well worth a visit. A fascinating place and an example of the 'new China'. With Jason Zhang ... Nothing really ends ... there's always an echo ... but what will that be ... ? From 2010, ShangHai city center flash mob - feel the heat. Bad Romance, Jai Ho, Rolling on the River, and more ... One of the most beautiful pieces of music that your ears will ever hear - 默 那英歌曲 吉他弹唱 ... Ongmanibamai - Dai Qing Tana and the HAYA band (ethnic Mongolian) ... There are really no words; nirvana ... More great music (click here) ...
Don’t get fooled again !  (message / music)
Please, wake up - and spread the word, before it is too late. War - bombs, death, unspeakable atrocities - depends on your acquiescence. If, there's another war, it's all over, for everyone; there will be no winners this time. War is burning flesh, skulls ruptured, and children screaming in pain, all dying in the name of supremacy. Fear those that desire supremacy. We can all see it coming. YOU need to stop this madness. Yes, YOU. The mad men can't do it without fooling you first. Don't be fooled again. If not immediately vaporized, one will be burned alive and shredded by flying glass and other debris. If still gasping for air, there follows 'nuclear winter' - no sunlight and starvation; a planet poisoned for many thousands of years. This is madness. Stop the madness. Life should be everywhere, in our galaxy, and beyond, but there's just silence. Need life always end that way ? Are we really going to end it all over skin color or some nonsense 'politics' ?? Even you 'hate China', do you love this world ??? Everything 'you know' is BS - just think about it - don't get hypnotized by 'democracy' and 'human rights' by those who crush them, everywhere, and really seek ultimate rule - it's the new branding for colonialism - don't be fooled - don't be fooled by distractions and words - open your eyes for a different view - we have a common humanity, deeper than any elite's spin - don't be fooled ... Don't be fooled again - the young deserve a chance to create a better world - say no, to divide and rule ... The Who - Won't Get Fooled Again ('meet the new war; same as the old wars' - great song) - please, don't blow up this world, don't blow down this life; it's all that we have; let's not go forever silent - no wipe-out ... awesome drumming ... Bonus films - drums by a young Sina ... The Surfaris - Wipe Out (with a cool dad) ... Pink Floyd - Time (featuring Sticky Hickey) - just wow - what a band ... Metallica - Nothing Else Matters - featuring the very talented young singer Jadyn Rylee (a beautiful love song) ... So close, no matter where we are. Nothing else matters. I can only say - don't get fooled again - don't be out of time. No more, hypnotized by lies. Don't get on your knees and pray; speak out; trust not what you believe - trust in who you are - our common humanity - don't get fooled - that's all that really matters ...
Climbing Mount HuaShan 华山
Filmed in August 2010. Includes the famous 'plank walk' at the end; this is perched precariously on a cliff face that is well over 1000m above the valley below, in a sheer drop. The plank walk is on the east peak, which is about a 15km walk / climb from the north peak. HuaShan ('Flower Mountain', or 'Splendid Mountain') lies in southern ShaanXi province, about 120km east of Xi'An; it is one of the five sacred Taoist mountains, with four main peaks. There are hiking trails to all four peaks and a cable car to the north peak. The south peak is highest at 2155 meters. There are a number of hotels and hostels around the base.
Sleeper train – ShangHai to ShenZhen
With Travel With Balnur ...
Ben Norton on US trade tariffs – don’t miss it
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