XiaMen City Singers 醒耳人声乐团 – music

Mr. Q - pure perfection - don't miss it ! ...

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A selection of beautiful Buddhist songs / music
Buddha Said | Great Compassion Mantra | Sweep of our minds | Heart Sutra | Zen Charm | Prayer for the earthquake in Ya'An (2013). Enter the chill out zone ...
Beautiful, haunting music – not to be missed …
Music by, of, and for the heart. Acoustic guitar ballads, rock guitar, piano, ethnic music ... best of the best ! Including our brothers and sisters in Taiwan. 【瞬間 MOMENTS】Official MV G.E.M. 鄧紫棋 ... A song of love and life; simply beautiful A Diao 《阿刁》 - Angela Chang 张韶涵; from "I am a Singer", 2018 ... Touches our innermost feelings; awesome 默 那英歌曲 吉他弹唱 ... Ongmanibamai - Dai Qing Tana and the HAYA band (ethnic Mongolian) There are really no words; nirvana YoYo (PinXi Liu) rock guitarist ... "Little Wings" - YoYo with Li-Sa-X from Japan ... "Mr. Q" – pure perfection – don’t miss it ! … 【郝浩涵梦工厂】吉他弹唱 Riptide 小文 ... This girl is just sublime; timing and nuance are perfection Bonus song - 《有點甜》 cover by 林逸欣 Shara Lin & Sam Lin Shara and Sam are a dream meld of talent and generous heart Bonus song - Havana cover by 林逸欣 Shara Lin ... Title song of the 2015 movie Wolf Totem 汪峰 沧浪之歌(《狼图腾》主题曲) Sung by Wang Feng ... 'Your Collar' / Ha Hui - Han dynasty music ...
2020 – looking back, looking forward, and the NOW …
An unusual video for the new year (it is not about China), but it relates to our by-line - 'live more'. The past can provide wisdom, the future goals to strive for, but don't lose focus on the here and now - it is the true reality so don't miss it. Wishing all the best in life to all our visitors. Do your best to make it happen, whatever your dreams, yet love and live each moment (it might not be one's ideal circumstance, but we can still make the most of it) ...
On Taiwan, China’s rise and Western hegemony
August 1st 2022. With The New Atlas - Brian Berletic and Angelo Giuliano ... Orsis Rutherford The problem with the US is that 90% of the population could not find Taiwan or The Ukraine on a map. I went to China in 2015 and I discovered an amazing country with a blend of tradition and modernity. People looked happy and I felt safe. AloofMicrobe "Be humble. Admit you know nothing about China. Start from zero and start building up a real understanding." Probably the best advice I've had my entire life - and I'm 63 years old! Thank you so much, both of you. Love and peace, from London. ashley mistletoe As a Taiwaneses, I can vouch for everything you said about Taiwan, history, politics.. very surprised that you nailed so much details. To add a few more facts: 1. Right now in Taiwan it's a hostage situation: people don't want to go to war with China but this government is doing america bidding and for us it's just disgusting, hateful yet there's nothing much we can do... 2. This government brainwashes the less informed population, controls media and public opinions with a massive cyber force that's silencing and suppressing opposition. It's despicable that they have the shame to brag about democracy. 3. NO ONE IN TAIWAN WANTS A WAR, not even the heavily propagandized, except the very few brainwashed extremists. Those in power such as Ms. Tsai never mind bleeding our blood but trust me they will be the first to fly away the moment smell of war approaches. 4. I've heard over and over again that parents told their kids to surrender when the war breaks out. I remember vividly one of them said, "Who are we fighting for? Tsai Yinwen?" followed with an angry sneer. THIS GOVERNMENT IS A DISGRACE. Nancy Barra Brian, you represent the best of young Americans. Your critical thinking and analytical skills are amazing and I hope people like you can lead the United States to a new era in the future. In the meantime you are helping a lot of people to think beyond what mass media is proyecting. Angelo Giluino is also a great thinker and analyst. Gav Munro As a Brit in China I agree with Angelo 100% about the sense of humility that we should have. I was someone who questioned why things were the way they were in China, thankfully the more I tried to understand China the quicker I grew out of it. There's a much said phrase here that 'When I landed in China I could write a book about it, after 10 years I could write a leaflet on it, after 15 years I can barely write half a page about it'. That's the reality. China is an enigma, it's not to be 'advised' but to be respected and studied. It's brought it's poorest into a middle class at a rate of knots. The west is vilifying China not to China's determent but to their own. They could learn so much from China's rise. Their elites choose not to tell the people the real story. That's the real tragedy. Bonus film - with Richard Wolff ... Bonus film - with Garland Nixon ...
BingLing Temple 炳灵寺 Grottoes, YongJing, GanSu province
A beautiful series of grottoes filled with Buddhist sculpture carved into natural caves and caverns in a canyon along the Yellow River. It lies just north of where the Yellow River empties into the LiuJiaXia Reservoir.
Bliss – Afterlife – awesome music album – don’t miss it
Including : If heaven closes; Long life, my friend; When the morning comes : and much more. One of the best music albums ever ... Support Bliss by buying their albums ...
Memories of the ShangHai 上海 World Expo 2010 (1)
May 1st - October 31st, 2010.
BeiJing bicycle ride
The last Kung Fu masters
A short documentary - an extended preview of Chris Crudelli's film on the martial arts in China today.

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