WongFu Productions – a selection of dramas

Funny and sometimes bitter-sweet dramas ...

Featuring the great music of Jesse Chui and Thomas' Apartment

A History of the Peace Sign


Hong Kong Dream Line (2 parts)


Nice Guy (3 parts)




Say no to fear and loathing - it's just a trick - 'divide and conquer'; 'we, the people,' stand together and celebrate our strength and the beauty of diversity. One world, one people, many cultures = paradise ...


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Planning war on China – part 25
With Aaron Mate ... YT comments : * "Promoting democracy is an easy way to take over other countries. Simple as that. Pawns and 'big money'." * "Democracy is a scam which dupes the people to support elite rule." * "A story about democracy : A farmer asked his son before he died, "Pigs complain about poor feed, cows complain about heavy work, and chickens complain about dirty nests. What should you do?". The son said: "Change to good feed, buy more cows, clean up chicken coop." The farmer shook his head and said. "No, don't do anything. Let them vote, let them choose you or your wife to take care of them, and let them think they are the boss”." With Carl Sagan ... Poverty in the US ... Meanwhile ... Lemon Tree, with MiuMiu GuitarGirl ... New on the ShangHai metro ... KunMing, YunNan ...
Starve the poor with sanctions to get control of a country – same old story
What the West / US have done in Cuba, is what they are also doing in XinJiang (and many other places around the world) - it is always to advance Western / US hegemony (slavery) and NOT about anyone (else)'s human rights / well-being - that's just marketing BS - it is ALWAYS for the benefit of the aggressors who claim to be in support of 'the people' (they starved) to subjugate the country. "When the rich take money from the poor, it's called business, When poor people resist, it's called violence." - Mark Twain
This is it. (philosophy)
Alan Watts talks about Zen Buddhism - why we should stop chasing our tail. Wu Wei - action without force ... The Middle Way - the path that cannot be followed, and The Fall (anxiety) ... The truth is soooooo simple, it is hard to put into words .. Audio book - The Way of Zen ...
China in the age of Xi – documentary
A look at how current president Xi JingPing has guided China over the last five years, the ideas behind the changes, and the future direction.
Song of the Road 路之歌
With MiuMiu (周昭妍 Zhōu ZhāoYán) and famous Chinese indie band Tong Yang 和痛仰乐队的叔叔们一起祝大家六一节快乐 Song by Chinese rock band 痛苦的信仰 (Miserable Faith), 2008. Love this ...
Paragliding in Hong Kong 香港
At LanTau Island ...
ChangSha 長沙, provincial capital of HuNan
South China
Red wine from grapes
With ErMi ChuiYan ... Bonus film - red wine with LongMeiMei ... Gourd containers DIY ...
Geopolitics update, 12th March 2023
With Garland Nixon ... Nordstream : The sheep (Germany, 'allies') spends it's whole life scared of wolves only to be eaten by the shepherd (the US).

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