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The beautiful karst landscape around GuiLin 桂林
Health special : stress, and relationships – don’t miss it
What stress does to the body (a whole lot) : with Eric Berg ... Relationships : Mark Hyman in discussion with Robert Waldinger ... Bonus film : functional medicine and why heart disease, cancer, brain degeneration, diabetes, arthritis, etc. are not really separate diseases but rather symptoms of the root cause. Also, why it is important to have a 'why' in your life (meaning and purpose) ...
Journey to the East – travels and life in China vlogs
"I'm Katherine, an environmental engineering Masters student from Virginia, USA, living in Nanjing, China. On this channel, I'll be sharing my travels in China, my bike rides through the countryside, life with my Chinese boyfriend, and stories of fellow environmentalists. I love sharing my life here and all the unique and interesting things I encounter on a regular basis - come join me, let's explore China!" [videogallery id=UCrcDPAshreK6gXlDIrDgYjQ n=8]
The beautiful BeiHai Park 北海公园, central BeiJing 北京
BěiHǎi GōngYuán is just a five minute walk (north west) from the Forbidden City (immediately west of sister JingShan Park).
BeiJing 北京 in widescreen …
The beautiful Tiger Leaping Gorge hike, YunNan province
With Flora and Note ...
A tour around FuXian Lake, YunNan province
FuXian Lake stretches out through ChengJiang, JiangChuan and HuaNing Counties in YunNan province, spanning an area of 212 square kilometers. The lake is the third largest in YunNan, after DiAn Lake and ErHai. It is 155 meters deep at its greatest depth. With Silberventures ...
BaDaChu (Eight Great Sites) park, BeiJing
Eight Buddhist temples on a slope of the Western Hills, nearby XiangShan park (Fragrant Hills Park).
Refreshing FuJian province …

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