Videos about wild girl, China

Chinese cooking with Okra

Video : China : Chinese cooking with Okra

一籃秋葵 一桌菜,在配上酸泡果,美味極了 | Chinese food made from green okra | 秋葵 美食 | 野小妹 ...

The lotus in Chinese cuisine

Video : China : The lotus in Chinese cuisine


Chinese food made with the lotus

Video : China : Chinese food made with the lotus

它出淤泥而不染,濯清漣而不妖,一池荷花,一桌菜 | 野小妹

Homemade tea eggs and milk tea

Video : China : Homemade tea eggs and milk tea


Soup dumplings for the Lantern Festival 元宵节

Video : China : Soup dumplings for the Lantern Festival 元宵节

Naturally colored glutinous rice.

Millet porridge and chrysanthemum tea (wild chrysanthemum flowers 菊花 JúHuā)

Video : China : Millet porridge and chrysanthemum tea  (wild chrysanthemum flowers 菊花 JúHuā)

漫山遍野的野菊花 真惹人喜歡,摘回來做成小米菊花粥和菊花茶

Fermented soybeans (GuiZhou style) 貴州傳統風味

Video : China : Fermented soybeans (GuiZhou style) 貴州傳統風味

Amazing bamboo (3) - delicious bamboo shoots

Video : China : Amazing bamboo (3) - delicious bamboo shoots

Chili sauce, from scratch

Video : China : Chili sauce, from scratch

Bonus film - chili and soy sauce ...

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