Videos about Reporterfy Media, China

Geopolitics update – August 2024

With The Duran ...

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With Inside China Business ..

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Scott Ritter on how the US sees China, and how it sees itself – don’t miss it !

Hard-hitting truth-telling. Why the US political elite / military industrial complex (MIC) / main-stream media (MSM) is not rational. Facts don't matter to this elite; the lies they tell, that they know are lies are just for the sheep, who are also victims ...

On how the transition to multi-polarity is as dangerous as it is welcome (and inevitable) ...

[video v=P6OKgA6pjK8]

US (and vassals) world hegemony versus world development (what the rest of the world wants, has been denied, and needs); the conflict we are in is win-lose trying to conquer the possibility of win-win.

"The problem with China is that it exists".

The billionaire / corporation class need the little people to believe that it's all 'freedom and democracy'.

YT comment : "China is not your enemy. The people who told you that China is your enemy are the real enemy".

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The supremacist US heads to war with China - don't miss it

Video : China : The supremacist US heads to war with China - don't miss it

Unhinged hysteria in the US belies the truth that it is the US that is the aggressor. It is the US that has a long history of war, and it is the US that has many hundreds of military bases all around the world. It has a military budget greater than all other countries combined. While China has never in its history been an aggressor. With Cyrus Jannsen, The Duran and Reporterfy Media ...

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