Videos about Pivot to Peace, China

China is the world’s innovator – with Radhika Desai, Mick Dunford and Inside China Business

Whether it is clean green energy - solar and other renewable energy, EVs, etc., high speed rail, basic science research, AI, movies, social media, easy payments, safe streets, first class and affordable food, etc., ... China is leading the way (as it has done for millennia). With Radhika Desai and Mick Dunford ...

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With Inside China Business - on the world's top universities and research (STEM graduates; basic science; research papers; patents) ...

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The life and legacy of Zhou EnLai – an interview with professor Ken Hammond

5th March 2023.

To mark the 125th anniversary of the birth of Zhou EnLai - one of the top leaders of the Chinese Revolution, and Premier of People's China from 1949 until his death in 1976 - we conducted an extensive interview with Professor Ken Hammond about Zhou's life and legacy.

The interview covers Zhou EnLai's formation as a revolutionary; his role in the early years of the Chinese Revolution in the 1920s; his working relationship with Mao Zedong; his contribution to Marxist understanding of socialist foreign policy; his role in establishing links of solidarity between China and Africa; his role in the negotiations with Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon that brought about the start of a rapprochement between the US and China; his experiences in the Cultural Revolution; and his lasting legacy, both in China and globally.

Ken Hammond is a professor of East Asian and Global History at New Mexico State University, founding director of the Confucius Institute at New Mexico State University, and an activist with Pivot to Peace. He’s also a member of the Friends of Socialist China advisory group, and is working on a biography of Zhou EnLai. He is interviewed by our co-editor Carlos Martinez.

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Planning war on China – part 21

On Myanmar - with The New Atlas ...

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