Anyone who has visited China immediately knows that they have been lied to.
With FridayEveryday ...
[video v=qOHFw-MbQI4]Bonus film - on the best 'democracy' that money can buy (the people don't matter) - with Ben Norton ...
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Anyone who has visited China immediately knows that they have been lied to.
With FridayEveryday ...
[video v=qOHFw-MbQI4]Bonus film - on the best 'democracy' that money can buy (the people don't matter) - with Ben Norton ...
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Hard-hitting truth-telling. Why the US political elite / military industrial complex (MIC) / main-stream media (MSM) is not rational. Facts don't matter to this elite; the lies they tell, that they know are lies are just for the sheep, who are also victims ...
On how the transition to multi-polarity is as dangerous as it is welcome (and inevitable) ...
[video v=P6OKgA6pjK8]US (and vassals) world hegemony versus world development (what the rest of the world wants, has been denied, and needs); the conflict we are in is win-lose trying to conquer the possibility of win-win.
"The problem with China is that it exists".
The billionaire / corporation class need the little people to believe that it's all 'freedom and democracy'.
YT comment : "China is not your enemy. The people who told you that China is your enemy are the real enemy".
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With Ben Norton ...
[video v=JzEc5GbSbIU] Plus more videos ...
The 'threat' of being a good example, that threatens the uni-polar supremacist hegemony goal of the West's elites.
While China aims to build up the world (win-win), the West wants to keep it down (to be merely plundered).
In China, the people are family; in the West, the people are livestock.
The West's mainstream media (and countless shills) churns out an endless stream of lies. Don't be fooled again !
Mind control is nothing other than controlling what you 'know'. MSM news is nothing other than mass hypnosis. It is not there to 'report', it is there to direct / shape / frame / push an agenda. It is there to fool you and get your 'consent'. It is deception / propaganda / front-line warfare.
With Jerry's Take on China ...
[video v=IDv896fNRxU] Plus more videos ...
The mainstream media in the West is a key part of the 'defense' (offence) department - it's all about hegemony / imperialism. Disinformation is always the first act of war.
These 'journalists' are simply sycophants of an elite that wants total control; they think they are a part of the 'winners'. Totally disgusting.
With Daniel Dumbrill ...
[video v=3rqlRddGgdY]With The New Atlas ...
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On Myanmar - with The New Atlas ...
[video v=d0G2HfUZhgk] Plus more videos ...
Brian Berletic : "It is no coincidence that the so-called 'Uyghur Tribunal's 'final ruling' coincided with a dump of supposedly 'leaked' documents and the US-led 'diplomatic boycott' of the BeiJing 2022 Olympics.
This is a massive propaganda campaign aimed at building hatred for China and justification for conflict with China."
Circus, lies, propaganda, theater, kangaroo court. Manufacturing consent. And the mainstream media play their role as war propagandists; a disgrace to the human race.
With The New Atlas ...
[video v=CFft8uQ4tUk] Plus more videos ...