Videos about main stream media, China

Scott Ritter on how the US sees China, and how it sees itself – don’t miss it !

Hard-hitting truth-telling. Why the US political elite / military industrial complex (MIC) / main-stream media (MSM) is not rational. Facts don't matter to this elite; the lies they tell, that they know are lies are just for the sheep, who are also victims ...

On how the transition to multi-polarity is as dangerous as it is welcome (and inevitable) ...

[video v=P6OKgA6pjK8]

US (and vassals) world hegemony versus world development (what the rest of the world wants, has been denied, and needs); the conflict we are in is win-lose trying to conquer the possibility of win-win.

"The problem with China is that it exists".

The billionaire / corporation class need the little people to believe that it's all 'freedom and democracy'.

YT comment : "China is not your enemy. The people who told you that China is your enemy are the real enemy".

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China and geopolitics : the MSM lies that fool us – don’t miss it

The 'threat' of being a good example, that threatens the uni-polar supremacist hegemony goal of the West's elites.

While China aims to build up the world (win-win), the West wants to keep it down (to be merely plundered).

In China, the people are family; in the West, the people are livestock.

The West's mainstream media (and countless shills) churns out an endless stream of lies. Don't be fooled again !

Mind control is nothing other than controlling what you 'know'. MSM news is nothing other than mass hypnosis. It is not there to 'report', it is there to direct / shape / frame / push an agenda. It is there to fool you and get your 'consent'. It is deception / propaganda / front-line warfare.

With Jerry's Take on China ...

[video v=IDv896fNRxU]   Plus more videos ...


Planning war on China – part 21

On Myanmar - with The New Atlas ...

[video v=d0G2HfUZhgk]   Plus more videos ...


Planning war on China – part 18

What is called 'democracy' is elite rule; money buys power / fool the people that they have significance. 'Democracy' is the subterfuge that is capture / takeover by other means.

In the West, you don't have any real say, other than which side of the same coin is to 'represent' you.

To keep one from seeing the bigger picture, and a sense of being part of humanity, the West focuses you on personal identity (misdirection), and that you are 'free'. This is the mix of 'divide and rule', plus mental chains (beliefs) over physical chains, as the new slavery. Anyone who opens their eyes can see it, right in front of them; how one is constantly programmed. Another aspect of the control is money; that is what limits your real freedom; and refocuses your life on the material / survival. The walls and bars of our prison are internalized. To add to the confusion, these elements are projected onto the 'others'.

The bigger picture, the full reality, is kept hidden, while the focus remains on endless little bits that are easily construed a certain way. Once one sees reality, the purpose behind all the little steps that make up the 'news' becomes clear.

In the end, the West's elite can only rule with the acquiescence of the vast majority.

With The Gravel Institute ...

[video v=uD8N4JQy7cw]

In China, the people are family. In the West, the people are livestock.

Hence, China is a 'threat' to the Western elite; the threat of a good example.

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Planning war on China – part 12

An example of how the western MSM (main stream media) tries to convince you of their lies (hate). The real aim is to destroy the Chinese economy.

In reality, it is the viewers who are being coerced / exploited.

Mind control is controlling what one 'knows'. Demonisation of the 'other' is the first act of war. All about hegemony - colonialism rebranded as 'freedom and democracy'.

With Daniel Dumbrill and Brian Berletic, dissecting what you are supposed to believe ...

[video v=j_PYjdtQuWA]

Because truth is sacred.

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*** Planning war on China – part 11 – don’t miss it ***

"US-sponsored separatist groups, backed by Washington for decades, are being mobilized to attack and undermine activities related to the BeiJing 2022 Olympics, starting with the torch relay in Greece.

I explain the background of the “Free Tibet” movement and how the US government, through the CIA, backed it as early as the 1950s and transferred its operations to the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) [or 'Dominion' / enslavement]."

With The New Atlas ...

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