Videos about Lhasa, China

Road trip idea from BeiJingBuzzz – DaLi, YunNan to Lhasa, Tibet / XiZang (2-4 weeks; two alternate routes)

Scenic Road Trip Routes from Dali to Lhasa

Route Overview

Traveling from Dali to Lhasa is an epic journey through some of China's most stunning landscapes. Here are two detailed scenic routes with notable stops along the way:


Route 1: Northern Route

Day 1-2: Dali to Lijiang (Approx.    ... more ...

The Potala Palace in Lhasa

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The Potala Palace was named after Mount Potala, the abode of Chenresig or Avalokitesvara. The Potala Palace has in the past served as the chief residence of the Dalai Lama. Today, the Potala Palace is a museum.

Lozang Gyatso, the 'Great Fifth Dalai Lama', started construction of the Potala Palace in 1645 after one of his spiritual advisers, Konchog Chophel (d. 1646), pointed out that the site was ideal, being situated as it is between Drepung and Sera monasteries and the old city of Lhasa. It may overlay the remains of an earlier fortress, called the White or Red Palace, on the site built by Songtsen Gampo in 637.

The building measures 400 metres east-west and 350 metres north-south, with sloping stone walls averaging 3 m in thickness, and 5 m (more than 16 ft) thick at the base, with copper poured into the foundations to help protect it from earthquakes. The thirteen stories, containing over 1,000 rooms, 10,000 shrines and about 200,000 statues, soar 117 metres (384 ft) above the top of Marpo Ri, the "Red Hill", rising more than 300 m (about 1,000 ft) in total above the ground. (based on Wikipedia)

DaZhaoSi (Jokhang Temple), Lhasa

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DaZhaoSì, also called the Jokhang Temple or Tsuklakang, is located by Barkhor Square in Lhasa. For most Tibetans it is the most sacred and important temple in Tibet. It is in some regards pan-sectarian, but is primarily of the Gelug school of Buddhism. The temple's architectural style is a mixture of Indian vihara, Chinese Tang dynasty and Nepalese design.

DaZhaoSì was founded during the reign of king Songsten Gampo. According to tradition, the temple was built for the two brides of the king, Princess Wencheng of the Chinese Tang Dynasty and Princess Bhrikuti of Nepal. Both wives are said to have brought important Buddhist statues and images from China and Nepal to Tibet as part of their dowries, and they were housed here. Many Nepalese artists worked to construct this temple.

During the Bon period of Tibet the temple was (and sometimes still is), called the 'Tsuklakang' (Tsulag Khang) — 'House of Religious Science' or 'House of Wisdom.' The term tsuklak refers to the 'sciences' such as geomancy, astrology, and divination which formed part of the pre-Buddhist shamanistic religion now referred to as Bon. It is more commonly known today as the Jokhang, which means the 'House of the Buddha'.

Along with the Potala Palace, it is probably the most popular tourist attraction in Lhasa. It is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site "Historic Ensemble of the Potala Palace," and a spiritual centre of Lhasa. (Wikipedia)

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