Videos about innovation, China

China is the world’s innovator – with Radhika Desai, Mick Dunford and Inside China Business

Whether it is clean green energy - solar and other renewable energy, EVs, etc., high speed rail, basic science research, AI, movies, social media, easy payments, safe streets, first class and affordable food, etc., ... China is leading the way (as it has done for millennia). With Radhika Desai and Mick Dunford ...

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With Inside China Business - on the world's top universities and research (STEM graduates; basic science; research papers; patents) ...

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The US / UK / West’s economic war on China

If only the West would learn from China the way that China learns from the West.

The difference between the American Dream and the Chinese Dream ? The Chinese Dream is being built while the American Dream is pure Hollywood (just a dream / fiction). One can only ever be for a few while the other is for all. Is it money or people that is the fundamental value ?

Western 'freedom' is a system where the majority will be poor, to pay for spreading that 'freedom' (control / global hegemony) worldwide. The neo-colonial nations aim to keep the rest of the world down - and this supremacist agenda has caused endless wars and famines worldwide.

The difference between the West and China is that China thinks long-term and innovates, while the West just tries to cling onto its 'supremacy' and is hence declining.

The West's economic detachment is the first step to a hot war.

With Radhika Desai and Michael Hudson ...

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A 30-storey hotel in just 15 days

Chinese innovation and efficiency.

Prefabricated modular buildings have many advantages over conventional ones :

Higher precision in fabrication (+/- 0.2mm).
Better coordinated on-site construction management.
Shorter construction time span.
Lower construction waste.

Many other environment, health and energy features are included in Broad Sustainable Buildings (BSB).

The building construction started in december 2011 and was ready for opening for the New Year's eve.

[video v=Hdpf-MQM9vY start=2 stop=178]

China’s patent filings increase by 30%

In the top 15 countries of origin of patent applications last year, China was ranked fifth after the United States (45,790), Japan (29,827), Germany (16,736) and South Korea (8,006).

Filing of patent applications under Wipo’s Patent Cooperation Treaty enables companies to secure patent protection in various countries.    ... more ...

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