Videos about history, China

The life and legacy of Zhou EnLai – an interview with professor Ken Hammond

5th March 2023.

To mark the 125th anniversary of the birth of Zhou EnLai - one of the top leaders of the Chinese Revolution, and Premier of People's China from 1949 until his death in 1976 - we conducted an extensive interview with Professor Ken Hammond about Zhou's life and legacy.

The interview covers Zhou EnLai's formation as a revolutionary; his role in the early years of the Chinese Revolution in the 1920s; his working relationship with Mao Zedong; his contribution to Marxist understanding of socialist foreign policy; his role in establishing links of solidarity between China and Africa; his role in the negotiations with Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon that brought about the start of a rapprochement between the US and China; his experiences in the Cultural Revolution; and his lasting legacy, both in China and globally.

Ken Hammond is a professor of East Asian and Global History at New Mexico State University, founding director of the Confucius Institute at New Mexico State University, and an activist with Pivot to Peace. He’s also a member of the Friends of Socialist China advisory group, and is working on a biography of Zhou EnLai. He is interviewed by our co-editor Carlos Martinez.

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Planning war on China – part 39 – the very last part – so don’t miss it

With Brian Berletic, Ben Norton, Aaron Mate, DDN, George Galloway ...

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Planning war on China – part 35

Feels like the West has gone crazy - part 35 !

Really hope this is the last part of what we thought would be just 2 parts - but the insane West's attacks simply don't abate; so here we are, not knowing how far they will go in their push for war ...

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35 years photographing China

Video : China : 35 years photographing China

With Bruce Connolly ...

Planning war on China - part 17

Video : China : Planning war on China - part 17

Just what is the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) - and what is it really up to ? With Brian Berletic and Angelo Giuliano / The New Atlas ... Bonus films : YChina attacked by the New York Times ... BreakThrough News talks with Tings Chak ... The West's (willing) failure to understand China's history - The Geopolitics In Conflict Show talks with Dr. Ken Hammond ... On Google ... On Palestine ... US torture horrors at Guantanamo ... On Africa and China ... On empire / colonialism (and 'world currency') ... On Cuba ... On Ukraine ... On the genocide of native Americans ... On US dystopia ... With Cyrus Janssen ...

*** Planning war with China - part 10 - don't miss it ***

Video : China : *** Planning war with China - part 10 - don't miss it ***

Max : "Rules based world order = we make the rules, and we make the orders". Economic imperialism. With The GrayZone - professor Michael Hudson talks with Ben Norton and Max Blumenthal (3 very wise brains) ... Bonus film - on 'humane war'; rebranded war ('war is peace') - Aaron Maté talks with Samuel Moyn ... Bonus film 2 - on Hunter Biden's laptop ... Bonus film 3 - John Bolton challenged on Iran regime change, Afghanistan, US sanctions, bombing of Syria - with Afshin Rattansi ... Bonus film 4 - why Hillary Clinton smeared Tulsi Gabbard ...

American empire and global propaganda

Video : China : American empire and global propaganda

How the Western MSM is fake news. Many seemingly independent vlogs are also employed. 'Exporting democracy (your consent for the elite's rule)' is really about empire. Don't miss it. With Daniel Dumbrill and Brian Berletic ... Bonus film - with the Moderate Rebels - Western MSM is the MIC's mouthpiece ...

Empire and the true history of the US

Video : China : Empire and the true history of the US

"On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Retired US Army Major Danny Sjursen, author of ‘A True History of the United States: Indigenous Genocide, Racialized Slavery, Hyper-Capitalism, Militarist Imperialism and Other Overlooked Aspects of American Exceptionalism’. He discusses the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, the different strands of American imperialism from liberal to neoconservative and the many US interventions in the global south, national myths about the story of the United States that are taught, the uncomfortable religious history of the US, the horrors of the settler-colonial genocide of indigenous people, the ‘club’ environment surrounding Washington DC resulting in favourable coverage for the US establishment and much more!" Bonus film - Oliver Stone exposes the JFK assassination cover-up ...

Richard Wolf on the rise of China and the history of the last 100 years

Video : China : Richard Wolf on the rise of China and the history of the last 100 years

From one of the worlds poorest countries, ravaged by colonialism and war, to today - moderately prosperous, without poverty, and with a deep culture and happy life. With professor Richard Wolf. Don't miss it ...

Coming to terms with the the return of China

Video : China : Coming to terms with the the return of China

An in-depth discussion with Aaron Bastani and Martin Jacques. If interested in what is happening in the world today, or in history, politics, and geo-politics, this is a must-see ...

ShangHai 上海 - an aerial and historical guide

Video : China : ShangHai 上海 - an aerial and historical guide

A fascinating look at the extraordinary history and transformation of ShangHai. With China Central TV (CCTV). Narrated by Owen Grant. Bonus film - sailing along the HuangPu River at night, between the Bund in PuXi (west of the river) and PuDong (east of the river). The most well known area of PuDong is the LuJiaZui finance and trade zone that includes the ShangHai Stock Exchange and many of ShangHai's highest buildings, such as the Oriental Pearl Tower, the Jin Mao Tower, the ShangHai World Financial Center, and the ShangHai Tower. These modern skyscrapers directly face PuXi's historic Bund (meaning embankment), a remnant of former foreign concessions. PuDong also includes the Port of ShangHai, the ShangHai World Expo site and Century Park, ShangHai PuDong International Airport, the JiuDuanSha Wetland Nature Reserve, and the ShangHai Disney Resort. This 'New Area' has been established from almost nothing in just thirty years.

Discover BeiJing 北京 - past and present

Video : China : Discover BeiJing 北京 - past and present

Learn more about the modern capital with a rich historical past. Welcome to the blue sky city of Beijing. A great film by ABC7 ...

Chinese Civilization - documentary

Video : China : Chinese Civilization - documentary

Discover the origins and development of China through 5,000 years of history in this fascinating and informative documentary series from CCTV (in English) ... [videogallery type=playlist id=PL1B107B6B1E3C3453 columns=3 num=20 showsearch=false showpaging=false]

An introduction to 6,000 years of Chinese art

Video : China : An introduction to 6,000 years of Chinese art

Illustrated by works from China at the Asian Art Museum of San Frascisco, one of the largest collections of Chinese art outside China.

The great voyages of Zheng He - video

Video : China : The great voyages of Zheng He - video

Zheng He's voyages began in 1405 with enormous and technologically advanced ships, almost 100 years before the European explorers set sail ...

The Rainbow Bridge - video

Video : China : The Rainbow Bridge - video

Excellent documentary on the Rainbow Bridge that combines history (Song Dynasty, 12th century), science and culture.

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