Videos about fun, China

Fun adventures in DunHuang 敦煌, western GanSu province

DunHuang is situated in a rich oasis within the Gobi Desert that includes Crescent Lake.

DunHuang held a strategic position at the crossroads of the ancient Southern Silk Route and the main road leading from India via Lhasa to Mongolia and Southern Siberia, as well as the entrance to the narrow HeXi Corridor, which led straight to the heart of the northern China plains and the ancient capitals of Chang'An (known today as Xi'An) and LuoYang.

The Gobi Desert is a 'rain shadow desert', formed by the Himalayan mountain range blocking rain-carrying clouds from the Indian Ocean.

[video v=W67oq11EG5Q start=2:30]   Plus more videos ...


Dance around China 中国 (5)

Video : China : Dance around China 中国 (5)

Foreign exchange student Jake 'dancing' through BeiJing, ChengDu, Xi'An, Lhasa, YangShuo, ZhangJiaJie, ShangHai, FengHuang and Hong Kong. A fun film ...

More dance 舞蹈 fun in China ...

Video : China : More dance 舞蹈 fun in China ...

Chilling out in China, 2012 ...

Engineering factory dance fun - video

Video : China : Engineering factory dance fun - video

Team building, Gangnam-style, SuZhou, JiangSu province ...

Beer factory dance fun - video

Video : China : Beer factory dance fun - video

江南 style. GuiLin, GuangXi province.

The Luna Fun Park in KunMing 昆明

Video : China : The Luna Fun Park in KunMing 昆明

KunMing is capital of Yunnan province, south-west China. Nice shots with a wide-angle / fish-eye type lens ...

Winter fun in BeiJing 北京

Video : China : Winter fun in BeiJing 北京

Here we are in July 2011, mid-summer and temperatures sometimes over 100F! So here is a cool down - snow and ice fun from winter 2010 / 2011. Including skiing at WanLong BaYi Ski Resort (first film) and ice skating at ZhiZhuYuan Park (Purple / Black Bamboo Park, near Beijing Zoo) (second film). Filmed in January 2011 ...

Fun in JingShan Park, Beijing - video

Video : China : Fun in JingShan Park, Beijing - video

JingShan Park is a popular location for locals to gather for games, music and dance, especially on Sundays.

Dance fun in ShangHai 上海 - video

Video : China : Dance fun in ShangHai 上海 - video

WuJiang Road, central ShangHai on June 5, 2010.

Fun rides at ChimeLong Amusement Park, GuangZhou 广州

Video : China : Fun rides at ChimeLong Amusement Park, GuangZhou 广州

PanYu, GuangZhou.

Dance and games at the Temple of Heaven 天坛 - video

Video : China : Dance and games at the Temple of Heaven 天坛 - video

Locals having fun and relaxing in the large park that surrounds the temple ...

Evening dance fun at QianHai, BeiJing 北京

Video : China : Evening dance fun at QianHai, BeiJing 北京

A popular activity across China in parks and spaces ...

Hoe-down dancing in China - video

Video : China : Hoe-down dancing in China - video

A group of American teachers having fun ... On the Great Wall : In TianAnMen Square :

Dancing around China 中国 3

Video : China : Dancing around China 中国 3

Where on Earth is Ingrid ?

ShinJingSan Amusement Park, BeiJing 北京

Video : China : ShinJingSan Amusement Park, BeiJing 北京

Includes a number of fun and scary rides ...

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