Videos about Eric Berg, China

Diet and health / disease – made simple (your one page nutrition guide) – updated

10 word summary : eat real (natural / unprocessed) food; be active; relax; be kind / appreciate.

The 'low fat (low saturated fat) diet' has led to increased disease and early mortality.

Real food - including, eggs, meat and dairy was replaced by highly processed toxic foods such as margarine, 'vegetable' oils, and refined grains.    ... more ...

Cancer as a metabolic disease – stage 4 survival strategy

With Dr. Eric Berg and Guy Tenenbaum ...

[video v=wiGVsUtCZwI]

Note : prolonged fasting requires more than just water (plus green tea and a little black coffee), such as salt (lo-salt), about 1 and a 1/2 tsp / day (more as needed), electrolytes and other essential vitamins. No sugar, fruit or sweetener. Do research first and maybe start with as little as 1 or 2 days, intervened with OMAD (keto).

Also see this video film ...

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