Videos about BRI, China

Geopolitics update – August 2024

With The Duran ...

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With Inside China Business ..

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On human rights, propaganda and trade – don’t miss it

With Jerry's Take on China ...

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YT comment : "It is win-win versus win-lose. Two very different mindsets".

YT comment : "Propaganda is about decoupling what people 'know' from reality. Insanity is believing your own propaganda".

YT comment : "A bully does not want competition at all. Rules are always bend to suit their own agenda and arms are twisted to coerce who is the big daddy on the playground. Moreover deploying half truth tactics or false flags to raise fear are common tactics in their playbook."

YT comment : "Fear is the only reason the U.S. wanted to contain China. When tariffs failed, technology sanctions followed. When both tariffs and sanctions failed, de-coupling became the buzzword. And when de-coupling was found to hurt the U.S. economy more than China's, it was changed to de-risking which in effect means a "slow de-coupling" until a more appropriate time. And now, fear has invaded European minds and the Europeans want to adopt the American low-life tactics.

Twenty years ago, American muscle cars and reliable Japanese cars plus reputable German, French and Swedish cars and even newbies from South Korea were selling like hot cakes in the Chinese market and each and every maker made a fortune in China. Nowadays, however, the U.S. has no hope of selling anything to China -- not only industrial products but also agricultural produce which are easily replaced by many other countries around the globe. Sooner or later, the world will be divided into 2 camps: one that embraces worldwide integration and the other a closed economy that fears competition. The acceleration of the de-dollarization movement will speed up the divide even further, to the point that it may break the world monetary system in half."

Bonus films - on China's economy - with Peter Walker and Thinkers Forum ...

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Planning war on China – part 32 – don’t miss it

With Michael Hudson ...

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Planning war on China – part 17

Just what is the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) - and what is it really up to ?

With Brian Berletic and Angelo Giuliano / The New Atlas ...

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Bonus films :

YChina attacked by the New York Times ...

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Planning war with China – part 4

Planned for 50 years. Expected by 2025.

With The New Atlas - Angelo Giuliano and Brian Berletic - don't miss it ...

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Bonus film - on Myanmar - with The New Atlas ...

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Planning war with China - part 2

Video : China : Planning war with China - part 2

With The New Atlas - don't miss it ...

Planning for war with China

Video : China : Planning for war with China

"This week we discuss the roll out of “AUKUS” and how it fits into long-standing plans to encircle and contain China as well as set the stage for what US war planners call a limited conflict with China aimed at destroying its economy, setting it and Asia back decades, and ensuring Western hegemony for years to come." With The New Atlas - Don't miss it ... Bonus film - with The Grayzone ... Bonus film - Myanmar : US-backed NUG opposition declares war on its own country ... Bonus film 2 - US CENCOM Admits Afghan "Revenge" Drone Strike Killed Only Civilians, Including 7 Children ... Bonus film 3 - On manufactured ignorance, with Chris Hedges, On Contact RT ...

American empire and global propaganda - part 2

Video : China : American empire and global propaganda - part 2

Illusion and control. 'Democracy' allows elite rule, with your consent; its about empire. Don't you just hate being lied to ? With The New Atlas - don't miss it ... "A relentless propaganda war is being waged by the US and its allies against China in a desperate bid to maintain Western hegemony and obstruct the rise of China and Eurasia."

The New Silk Road : ambition and opportunity

Video : China : The New Silk Road : ambition and opportunity

With Dr. May-yi Shaw. Meet the pioneers of the Belt and Road Initiative ...

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