The hike to Tai Long Wan (Big Wave Bay).
A beautiful place on the east coast of the Sai Kung Peninsula; a large bay with white sand beaches and seas of tropical blue or turquoise, flanked by rugged headlands and backed by green fields beyond which rise some impressive hills.
The main route follows a stretch of Maclehose Trail, up and over the ridge from Chek Keng - which you can walk to from a bus stop at Pak Tam Au.
[video v=xoAjkM7qqg8 start=123]
Scenes from the video :

This area is within the New Territories (often abbreviated as N.T.), one of the three main regions of Hong Kong, alongside Hong Kong Island and the Kowloon peninsula; it comprises over 85% of Hong Kong's land area (nearly 1,000 square kilometers).
Guided walks in Hong Kong :
See also: