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TeamLab, ShangHai – an awesome immersive audio-visual art experience
With FunFancie ... TeamLab is an interdisciplinary art collective and creative studio based in Japan that is renowned for its innovative and immersive digital art installations. It has expanded its presence globally. In Shanghai, TeamLab has created several immersive art experiences that blend digital technology, interactive elements, and traditional art forms to create breathtaking environments that engage the senses and encourage visitor participation. These exhibitions often feature a combination of projection mapping, interactive projections, LED lights, soundscapes, and sensor-based technology to create dynamic and interactive environments. One of the most notable exhibitions is TeamLab Borderless Shanghai, which is featured here. It is characterized by its seamless integration of digital art into physical spaces, creating a sense of boundless, dreamlike environments where visitors can explore and interact with the artwork freely. In these exhibitions, visitors are invited to walk through rooms filled with mesmerizing digital art installations that respond to their movements and interactions. For example, visitors may find themselves surrounded by vibrant, blooming flowers that change color as they move, or immersed in a digital ocean where schools of fish swim around them in response to their presence. The exhibition aims to create immersive experiences that evoke wonder, curiosity, and a sense of inter-connectedness with the world around us, unforgettable experiences that blur the boundaries between art, technology and the imagination.
Planning war on China – part 8
With The New Atlas ... Bonus film - with Daniel Dumbrill ... Bonus film 2 - with NuMuves ... Bonus film 3 - with Professor Michael Hudson ... Bonus film 4 - with George Galloway and Afshin Rattansi ... Bonus film 5 - propaganda theater ...
How to eat Hot Pot 火锅 HuǒGuō, plus ingredients – in both Chinese script and pinyin
Hot pot dining is a communal and interactive meal enjoyed by many in China and beyond. A hot pot meal consists of a simmering broth into which fresh ingredients are cooked, then dipped into a sauce before eating, bit by bit. Meats are thinly sliced and can cook in just 20 seconds (be sure to cook only one slice at a time). One can have tomatoes or cucumber as a side dish to eat raw. Typically, the dipping sauce is sesame sprinkled with chopped spring onions though one add add various condiments such as chopped garlic. Spicy (Hot) Broth (麻辣汤 - Má là tāng): This broth is typically made with a combination of chili peppers, Sichuan peppercorns, garlic, ginger, and various spices. It's known for its fiery and numbing flavor, characteristic of Sichuan cuisine. It adds a spicy kick to the ingredients cooked in the hot pot, offering a tingling sensation on the palate. Non-Spicy (Not Hot) Broth (清汤 - Qīng tāng): This broth is a milder option compared to the spicy broth. It's often made with a clear or lightly flavored base, such as chicken, pork, or vegetable broth. It allows the natural flavors of the ingredients to shine through without the overpowering heat of spices. It's a popular choice for those who prefer a more subtle and refreshing taste. Two-in-One (Yuan Yang) Broth (鸳鸯锅 - Yuān yāng guō): The two-in-one broth offers the best of both worlds by dividing the hot pot into two sections, allowing diners to enjoy both spicy and non-spicy options simultaneously. One side typically contains the spicy broth, while the other side contains the non-spicy broth. It caters to groups with varying preferences, providing a versatile dining experience where everyone can find something they enjoy. Meat: * Beef: Niú Ròu (牛肉) * Lamb: Yáng Ròu (羊肉) * Chicken: Jī Ròu (鸡肉) Pork: Zhū Ròu (猪肉) Sausages: Xiāng Cháng (香肠) * Fish / Shrimp/Prawn Balls: Yú Qiú / Xiā Qiú (鱼球 / 虾球) Seafood: - Shrimp: Xiā (虾) - Fish: Yú (鱼) - Shellfish: Háimǔ (海蜇) - Mussels: Gēn Mǔli (蚌肉) - Squid: Yóu Yú (鱿鱼) Vegetables: * Coriander: Xīng Cài (香菜) Potato slices: TǔDòu (土豆) Tomatoes: Fān Qié (番茄) Cucumber: HuángGuā (黄瓜) Bean Sprouts: Dà Suàn (大蒜) Lotus Root: Lián'ǒu (莲藕) Bamboo Shoots: Zhú Sǔn (竹笋) Cabbage: Xīng Cài (白菜) Spinach: Bō Cài (菠菜) Mushrooms: - * Enoki Mushroom (long thin white): Jīn Zhēngū (金针菇) - * Shiitake Mushroom: Xiāng Gū (香菇) - Oyster Mushroom: Mù Ěr (木耳) - Wood Ear Mushroom: Xīng'ěr (杏鲍菇) - King Oyster Mushroom: Xìng Bàogū (杏鲍菇) Tofu: * Iced Tofu: Dòng Dòufu (冻豆腐) * Tofu Skin: Dòu Pí (豆皮) Firm Tofu: Làn Dòufu (蓝豆腐) Silken Tofu: Dòufu Rǔ (豆腐乳) Bean Curd Sheets: Dòu Piàn (豆片) Noodles: * Clear (bean) Noodles: Tāng Fěn (汤粉) Rice Noodles: Mǐ Fěn (米粉) Udon Noodles: Wǔdūn Miàn (乌冬面) Other Ingredients: * Dumplings: JiǎoZi (饺子) Eggs: Jī Dàn (鸡蛋) Fried Dough Sticks: Yóu Tiáo (油条) Sauce Bowl: * Sesame Sauce: Zhī Málà Jiàng (芝麻麻辣酱) Peanut Sauce: Huā Shēng Jiàng (花生酱) Condiments one can add to sauce bowl: * Scallions (chopped spring onions): Cōng Jiàng Yóu (葱酱油) Soy Sauce: Jiàng Yóu (酱油) Vinegar: Cù (醋) Chili Sauce: Làjiāo Jiàng (辣椒酱) Garlic Sauce: Sào Jiàng (臊酱) Sesame Oil: Zhī Yóu (芝麻油) Well known hot pot chains include XiaoBu XiaoBu and HaiDiLao but one can also enjoy many one-off independent restaurants.
HanFu traditional clothing
In recent years the traditional costumes and fashion of the majority Han ethnic group are making something of a comeback; a confidence in cultural heritage in the modern world. There are 56 ethnic groups in China, all of which have their own traditional clothing, each with its own style and charm. Most ethnic groups wear their traditional clothing on special festivals and events. HanFu is a traditional clothing of the ethnic Han people, but it hasn't been a tradition to wear this as other ethnic groups do until recent years. It is one way for younger Chinese to begin rediscovering their cultural roots, arts and history ...
Millet porridge and chrysanthemum tea  (wild chrysanthemum flowers 菊花 JúHuā)
漫山遍野的野菊花 真惹人喜歡,摘回來做成小米菊花粥和菊花茶
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Making tofu in China
YuanMingYuan 圆明园, the original Summer Palace in BeiJing – documentary
A fascinating documentary, in English. Discover how this place embodied the quintessential Chinese garden arts, and how it came to be destroyed ...
Best ancient towns in China
Old / Ancient Towns in China Lijiang Old Town 丽江古城 (Lìjiāng Gǔchéng): Step back in time in the ancient town of Lijiang, a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its well-preserved architecture, cobblestone streets, and picturesque canals. Lijiang Old Town is home to traditional Naxi culture and features historic landmarks such as the Mu Palace, the Black Dragon Pool, and the Wangu Tower. Visitors can wander through the maze-like streets, admire the intricate wooden buildings, and experience the vibrant local culture. Fenghuang Ancient Town 凤凰古城 (Fènghuáng Gǔchéng): Discover the charm of Fenghuang Ancient Town, nestled along the banks of the Tuo River in Hunan Province. Fenghuang is known for its well-preserved Ming and Qing dynasty architecture, ancient bridges, and vibrant cultural scene. Visitors can stroll along the cobblestone streets, explore historic temples and ancestral halls, and admire the traditional Miao ethnic minority culture. Pingyao Ancient Town 平遥古城 (Píngyáo Gǔchéng): Explore the ancient walled city of Pingyao, one of China's best-preserved ancient towns and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Pingyao Ancient Town dates back over 2,700 years and is known for its well-preserved city walls, historic courtyards, and ancient temples. Visitors can walk along the fortified walls, explore the narrow alleyways, and learn about the town's rich history and cultural heritage. Zhujiajiao Ancient Town 朱家角古镇 (Zhūjiājiǎo Gǔzhèn): Experience the charm of Zhujiajiao Ancient Town, located on the outskirts of Shanghai. Zhujiajiao is known for its scenic canals, stone bridges, and well-preserved Ming and Qing dynasty architecture. Visitors can take a boat ride along the canals, explore historic landmarks such as the Fangsheng Bridge and the Kezhi Garden, and sample local delicacies at traditional teahouses and restaurants. Xitang Ancient Town 西塘古镇 (Xītáng Gǔzhèn): Discover the beauty of Xitang Ancient Town, a water town known for its tranquil canals, ancient bridges, and traditional architecture. Xitang has been featured in numerous films and is renowned for its picturesque scenery and romantic atmosphere. Visitors can stroll along the cobblestone streets, explore historic residences and temples, and take a boat ride along the scenic waterways. Wuzhen Ancient Town 乌镇古镇 (Wūzhèn Gǔzhèn): Step back in time in the ancient water town of Wuzhen, known for its well-preserved Qing dynasty architecture, scenic canals, and traditional way of life. Wuzhen is divided into two main districts: the East Scenic Area, which features historic residences and workshops, and the West Scenic Area, which offers a glimpse into rural life along the waterways. Visitors can explore ancient temples, watch traditional performances, and sample local specialties such as Wuzhen rice wine and shadow puppetry. Shaxi Ancient Town 沙溪古镇 (Shāxī Gǔzhèn): Explore the historic town of Shaxi, located along the ancient Tea Horse Road in Yunnan Province. Shaxi is known for its well-preserved Bai ethnic minority architecture, traditional cobblestone streets, and ancient market square. Visitors can wander through the town's labyrinth of alleyways, visit the historic Xingjiao Temple, and hike to the nearby Shibao Mountain to see its intricate Buddhist carvings. Zhaoxing Dong Village 肇兴侗寨 (Zhàoxīng Dòngzhài): Experience the unique culture of the Dong ethnic minority in Zhaoxing Dong Village, located in Guizhou Province. Zhaoxing is known for its traditional wooden houses, ancient wind and rain bridges, and terraced rice paddies. Visitors can explore the village's cobblestone streets, visit the Drum Tower and the Wind and Rain Bridge, and attend traditional Dong festivals and performances. Jinli Ancient Street 锦里古街 (Jǐnlǐ Gǔjiē): Immerse yourself in the lively atmosphere of Jinli Ancient Street, a historic street in Chengdu known for its traditional architecture, bustling markets, and vibrant street food scene. Jinli Street dates back over 2,000 years and has been restored to its former glory, with ancient-style buildings housing teahouses, shops, and snack stalls. Visitors can sample local delicacies such as Sichuan hotpot, stinky tofu, and spicy skewers, shop for souvenirs and handicrafts, and enjoy traditional performances such as Sichuan opera and shadow puppetry. Pingle Ancient Town 平乐古镇 (Pínglè Gǔzhèn): Discover the charm of Pingle Ancient Town, located in Sichuan Province and known for its well-preserved Tang and Song dynasty architecture, ancient streets, and historic landmarks. Pingle is nestled in the picturesque foothills of the Qingcheng Mountains and is surrounded by lush forests, bamboo groves, and tea plantations. Visitors can explore the town's ancient streets, visit historic temples and ancestral halls, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside from the Qingcheng Mountains.

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