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The beautiful Temple of Heaven 天坛, BeiJing
This film focuses on the three main structures, including the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests ...
Africa and China – geopolitics – March 2023
ShenZhen cityscape by aerial drone
Health – slowing and reversing aging
Eating an unprocessed food diet to heal from the inside. With Eric Berg ...
Why the West is using the Uyghurs
The XinJiang region, (north) west China, has been under Chinese rule since at least the 18th Century. While bombing Muslims everywhere else, the Uyghurs in China (a Turkic people in XinJiang) are a useful tool for Western attempts to destabilize and break up China. Just like the useful idiots in Hong Kong, and Tibet. The Uyghurs have autonomous regions, yet some fall under the Western spell (money) to push for unjustified 'independence'. The Main Stream Media (MSM), and much of the (often fake) 'independent media', in the West have been pushing a "repression" fable strongly for some time, using every propaganda trick in the book; plus the usual 'human rights' (you're free to do as you're told) and 'democracy' (you're free to choose one of the big money picks) scams. Yet wherever 'color revolutions' and invasions by the West have taken place, real repression followed. The MSM tell an, at first glance, convincing story - it sounds good ("how terrible!"), till one scratches the surface. In reality, the West doesn't really care less about the Uyghurs; it's all about trying to break up China. Emotionally charged lie - repeated ad nauseam. Don't be fooled. Uyghurs, Hong Kong organised crime and murderers extradition treaty 'protests', Tibet, 'trade war', South China Sea islands, etc., are all part of a total (all fronts) war on China. For now, it's predominantly an info war; but also a poke, poke, poke real war. And all because the US feels it has the right to rule the whole world (although it cannot even take care of itself). It's not the will of the American (and puppets) people; just the elite (some of).
New Geopolitics page launched
Bookmark this page when arrive. All geopolitics videos will, from now, appear on the new page (and no longer on the home page; but never say never). Automatically updated. BB will not preview or select these videos; but we have trust in the channels we have chosen to include. More channels will be added later to provide a range of opinions (though only rational voices; no MSM). The new Geopolitics home page. Click here and bookmark. So the Planning War On China series has ended. BUT, the voices continue to be here - in their very own page; and EVERY new video will appear there. This is a win-win : BB can concentrate even more on bringing you the very best China travel and Chinese culture films. More content coming soon ... Probable additional channels include : Daniel Dumbrill, NuMuves, Geopolitics In Conflict, The GrayZone, Democracy Now, Cyrus, and more ... Approaching 20 years, BB wishes to say a BIG thank you to all our visitors.
Boating at YinCui Gorge 荫翠峡, JiuXiang, YunNan province
There are also caverns to explore.
The Hanging Temple of HengShan 悬空寺, and the YunGang Grottoes 云冈石窟
Near DaTong, ShanXi province. The Hanging Temple (XuanKong Temple 悬空寺, XuánKōng Sì) is constructed on a vertical cliff face, 75 meters (245 feet) above the ground, at the foot of the HengShan mountain. The temple lies about 64 kilometers south east of the city of DaTong. Together with the YunGang Grottoes, the Hanging Temple is one of the main tourist attractions and historical sites in the DaTong area. Built more than 1,600 years ago, this temple is notable also as the only surviving temple combining all three Chinese traditional religions/philosophies: Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism. The structure is kept in place with oak crossbeams slotted into holes chiseled into the cliffs. The main supportive structure is hidden inside the rock. The temple is located in a small canyon basin, and is situated under a prominent summit that helps protect the temple from rain and sunlight. The YunGang Grottoes are located at the southern foot of Mount WuZhou, 16 kilometers west of DaTong. There are 250 caves here containing many thousands of carvings and statues.
What is cancer ?
From the genetic paradigm to the evolutionary paradigm. Millions of years ago, multi-cellular organism developed that needed to suppress the single cell grow and divide as much as possible blueprint to work collaboratively. If this add-on code is damaged, a cell can revert to the old, single cell code. Though there is more to it as explained in this video. With Dr. Jason Fung ...

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