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A summer vegies masterclass with LiZiQi
FenJieZhou Island 分界洲, HaiNan province
South China
ShangHai city
With Wei's Travel ...
Refreshing FuJian province …
Wonderful YunNan 云南
Featuring KunMing, the provincial capital, LiJiang, the outdoor show 'Impression LiJiang', BaiSha village, ShiLin Stone Forest, Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, Tiger Leaping Gorge and Shangri-La ...
A look around the Forbidden City 紫禁城 in BeiJing
Filmed in July 2011 Video by Orien Travel
A guide to BeiJing 北京 through the seasons …
A video treat ! Four films, starting with 'summer'. Welcome, to the blue sky city of Beijing ...
A walking tour of the Solana mall in BeiJing
The first lifestyle shopping park in China. Don't miss it. With Walk For You ... SanLiTun evening walk, BeiJing ... The UniWalk mall in ShenZhen ...
The West’s information firewall
With Daniel Dumbrill ... 'None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free' — Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe. More generally, belief is the end of truth - BB. In the West, slavery never ended - it became the whole flock. Metal chains were replaced by mental chains. 'Mind control' - control the people by controlling what they 'know'. The 'cold war' is an info war. Simply look at what is being done rather than what is said is being done. Else a firewall will be constructed in your mind, beyond which you cannot see reality. In China, the people are family. In the West, the people are merely livestock, to benefit the elite. This really is not a wild exaggeration - it is the truth and the real reason for the cold war - elite rule versus everyone should prosper and be happy. The idea that 'all lives matter', is the threat to neo-feudalists, who wave slogans of freedom and human rights and democracy, while redistributing wealth to themselves.

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