The beautiful Humble Administrator’s Garden 拙政园

An exemplary example of classical Chinese garden arts that aspires to the harmony of people and nature. ZhuoZheng Yuan, SuZhou, JiangSu province.

At 52,000 square meters, it is the largest garden in SuZhou.

A beautiful short film ...

JiangSu map

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Martin Jacques on China’s rise / return
In China, the people are family. In the West, the people are merely livestock. As simple as that. As profound as that. Competence and success is the real 'threat'. The old colonial powers are less than 10% of the world's population, yet still clamber to be its master, putting everyone else down, by economic and political sabotage, subversion, proxy wars, etc. 100 years of great shame. If democracy means anything real, the majority of the world must be allowed to have its say, be allowed to grow, be allowed to be. The US imperialist hegemony empire doesn't have 'allies', only slaves, and sees the rest of the world as its plantation. The sheep (Ukraine, Australia, UK, Europe, Taiwan, Japan, S. Korea..) are encouraged to worry about wolves all their lives, but in the end are eaten up by the shepherd. Don't these countries realise that they are possessed, militarily and psychologically. From 2013 (and still true today) ... Bonus film - with Jeffrey Sachs ... With Garland Nixon ...
Last post of 2021
Each year, we up the quality. At BB, it's always about quality, not quantity. Variety, certainly, but not quantity. Last videos of 2021 - with PopMatta ... One needs to look out for Serpent / Laowai v.2, and not get duped; see through the disguises (devil dressed as a dove); it is for sure that they are out there ... Geo-politics is a mine-field. Be aware of it; but don't let it dull your mind. Let love, creativity and calm be the air that you breathe. The world is doomed to destruction; the vast majority do indeed vastly outnumber the zealots, but in the West, though the people are by and large brainwashed, for sure, most will ever be too dumb to realize it. Plus, western culture has bred a large proportion of narcissists, devoid of empathy and compassion. Extreme individualism ensures ultimate catastrophe. Once extinction becomes possible, it becomes inevitable. The power of annihilation grows much faster than general IQ/EQ; hence the 'great silence' in the universe. While the Earth is still here, live life to the fullest, each remaining day. The tragedy will play out over and over for eternity; don't waste much time on thinking about it. *** All one needs to know is ... We are all one family; but some in the West just want division, control and power - and that's not family - that's hate; 'divide and rule' (elitism / colonialism / imperialism / hegemony). The difference between China and the West ? It is simply, and profoundly, this : For China, the people are family. For the West, the people are livestock. For China, the people are family; not just Chinese, but all people. For the West (the 'elite'), the people are merely livestock. All the best for the year ahead, from BeiJingBuzzz. Keep it real. Live more ...
Time-lapse Hong Kong 香港, 2017
An amazing, beautiful film by Jeffrey Poon ...
The Great Wall at MuTianYu 慕田峪, BeiJing
With Sticker Travel. After trekking the Great Wall, the team chill out at Chun Hui Yuan Spa Resort, then head back downtown to view the Forbidden City at sunset from the hilltop in JingShan Park ...
The beautiful WanFeng Lake in XingYi, GuiZhou
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HongCun 宏村 Village, AnHui province
Step back in time in the ancient village of HongCun, 宏村. HongCun is located near the south west slope of Mount HuangShan. The architecture and carvings of the approximately 150 residences dating back from the Ming and Qing dynasties are said to be among the best in China. One of the largest residences open to visitors, ChenZhi Hall, also contains a small museum. Together with XiDi, the village is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Some scenes from the movie 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon' were filmed on location in HongCun.
‘Climate Change’ – an alternative view
A view, right or wrong, that you are not supposed to hear ...

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