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The Dao De Jing 道德經 (The Way / what is)
10,000 pearls of wisdom; when follow The Way, it is one pearl. The truths found in the Tao Te Ching are universal and timeless. A book of wisdom written by a sage named Lao-Tzu / Lao Zi, circa 500 BC, China. Read by the late Wayne Dyer ... The audio as well as the translation of the version you hear is from a book called Living The Wisdom of The Tao: Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life by Wayne Dyer. His book includes a detailed commentary on each of the verses ...
Blue sky BeiJing 北京
[May 15th 2017] Heat-wave ahead ! Summer is hotting up in BeiJing this week - into the high 30s C (90s F in old money). Keep cool (keep hydrated), be cool (sensible, giving and creative), keep in touch (we love your feedback and input), and above all - love life (live more; BE love) ... Like our site ? - help us with a donation. Something to share ? - your own film or something you like - let us know ! To have and to be - huh ? The two big verbs - to have and to be ... Thinking through this seemingly abstract concept could change your life, for the better. Two very different ways to live; or rather - really live or not really live. To have is good, to a point; but can be a holding onto more than we really need, and a baggage of the past dragged into the future that prevents us living in the real now. For what we 'have' is not just physical stuff - it is also the clutter and beliefs in our mind. To be, is to live, free of the past and all that we 'have' (and 'know'). Live more ... be more ... Listen less (to others and beliefs), and look more (and think more, based on what is, not on what you have heard). Someone once said that to love is much better than to be loved; to give so much better than to receive (have); and so it is with to have and to be ... To be is the way. Everything taken, comes to an end. Everything given ripples through time for an eternity. To ask for nothing, and give all - that is love. To be, not to have. ~~~ You might like to read Erich Fromm's To Have or To Be, and The Art of Love, which also explore this concept, and is essentially what the Buddha told us. Easy read; concise and potent. Also good reading : Jiddhu Krishnamurthi - for example, Commentaries on Living (three easy read volumes), and Alan Watts - for example, The Way of Zen.
Views of the LongSheng, LongJi Rice Terraces 龙胜梯田, GuangXi
The beautiful Dragon's Backbone rice terraces; about 60km from GuiLin ...
The LeShan 乐山 Giant Buddha
The world's largest ancient statue. Near LeShan city in SiChuan province.
ShangHai 上海 in timelapse
Going to University ?  Go to / stay in China
Chinese students are increasingly, and rightly so, avoiding studying in the West, where standards are declining, fees are extremely high, healthcare is either appalling or extremely expensive, the cities and towns are dingy and filled with homeless people and violence, the accommodation is dreadful and the food even worse; and where dangers abound. In contrast, Chinese universities are the far better choice. Besides, why fund countries that see China as an adversary, where Chinese products are banned and the media is increasingly hostile, and you could be labelled a spy ? Don't waste the 'best years of your life' ! YT comments : "I’m from Canada and I would never send my kids to study on the US. It’s just not safe. The quality of US education is declining. I’d rather send my kids to school in China than US." "The university in the West has very little to offer other than the English language. Chinese technology is more advanced, and Chinese students get better jobs after finishing Chinese university." "Let's be realistic. Where can you learn the AI best? China. Where can you learn quantum computer? China. Where can you learn best about rocket engines and space science? China landed a rover on the moon several times. Where can you learn chemistry and micro biology? China. Do you name anything? China has more advanced technology. Chinese students learn and speak English in China, so why pay high tuition to learn English outside?"
Turning the old into new decor, craft DIY with DianXi XiaoGe
252 meters above ShangHai 上海
At the Oriental Pearl Tower ...
China’s self-driving cars
With Rafa Goes Around! ...

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