SanYa 三亚, HaiNan 海南 island

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YouShanHe Scenic Area, in beautiful GuiZhou
Plus - TianHe Lake ... Plus - a secret stone forest ...
BaDaChu (Eight Great Sites) park, BeiJing
Eight Buddhist temples on a slope of the Western Hills, nearby XiangShan park (Fragrant Hills Park).
NanJing 南京 night walk
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Planning war on China – part 13
With The New Atlas. Brian Berletic and Angelo Giuliano cut through the propaganda and shine light on realities ... Bonus films ... On Thailand ... On Nicaragua ... On Palestine ... On Syria ... On Cuba ... On Yemen ... On Taiwan ... On Western propaganda puppets ...
Walnuts 核桃 – harvesting and preparing
An open-air, walnut oil based family feast in YunNan province ...
The Great Wall of China near BeiJing
BaDaLing and MuTianYu Great Wall (about 1+ hours from BeiJing city center) ... JinShanLing and SiMaTai Great Wall (about 2+ hours from BeiJing) ... Bonus films - Plus, Cindy Zhang shows us a hike along the rugged JianKou section of the Great Wall (it is not far from MuTianYu) ...
New Year’s Eve firework display, 2014 : Hong Kong 香港
Happy New Year ! The preview image of the 2nd video is blurred, but the video is sharp. Get a taste of being there in Victoria Harbor that night ...
Cancer as reversion to single cell survival through chronic inflammation
With Dr. Jason Fung ...
Delicious street food in NanNing, GuangXi
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