QiBao Ancient Town, ShangHai

With Roaming N Watching ...


With Fyfy & Nyny ...

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QiBao Ancient Town visitor guide


QiBao Ancient Town, located in the MinHang district of ShangHai, is a picturesque water town known for its well-preserved ancient architecture, historical sites, and traditional culture. The name "QiBao" means "Seven Treasures," and the town is famous for its seven historic treasures, though only a few remain today. QiBao offers visitors a glimpse into China's rich cultural heritage and a chance to experience traditional JiangNan water town scenery.


QiBao Ancient Town has a history that dates back over a thousand years to the Northern Song Dynasty. It flourished during the Ming and Qing dynasties as a prosperous commercial hub. Today, QiBao retains much of its historical charm, with well-preserved buildings, stone bridges, and narrow canals that transport visitors back in time.

Main Attractions

QiBao Temple

QiBao Temple is a significant religious and cultural site in the town. Originally built during the Song Dynasty, the temple has undergone several restorations. It is an important place of worship and a symbol of the town's spiritual heritage.

QiBao Old Street

QiBao Old Street is the heart of the ancient town, lined with traditional shops, teahouses, and food stalls. The street is divided into North Street and South Street, each offering unique experiences and local delicacies.

QiBao Shadow Play Art Museum

The QiBao Shadow Play Art Museum showcases the traditional Chinese art of shadow puppetry. Visitors can learn about the history of shadow plays, watch live performances, and even try their hand at manipulating the puppets.

QiBao Zhuzhai (Old Residences)

QiBao Zhuzhai are ancient residential buildings that offer a glimpse into the traditional lifestyle of QiBao's inhabitants. These well-preserved houses reflect the architectural style of the Ming and Qing dynasties and provide insight into the daily lives of ancient Chinese families.

Culture and Traditions

QiBao Ancient Town is a cultural gem that showcases traditional JiangNan water town culture. The town is known for its traditional crafts, local cuisine, and cultural performances. Visitors can explore the various workshops and studios where artisans create silk, paper-cuts, and other traditional handicrafts.

Activities and Experiences

Boat Rides

One of the best ways to experience QiBao Ancient Town is by taking a boat ride along its narrow canals. The boat ride offers a unique perspective of the town's architecture and serene waterways, providing a peaceful and scenic experience.

Food Tasting

QiBao is renowned for its local delicacies, including QiBao rice cakes, braised pork, and stinky tofu. The food stalls and restaurants along QiBao Old Street offer a wide variety of traditional snacks and dishes that are a must-try for visitors.

Cultural Performances

Visitors to QiBao can enjoy various cultural performances, including traditional Chinese opera, shadow plays, and folk music. These performances are often held in public squares and cultural centers, providing an authentic cultural experience.


QiBao Ancient Town offers a range of accommodation options, from traditional guesthouses to modern hotels. Staying in a local guesthouse provides an immersive experience and a chance to enjoy the town's charm after the day-trippers have left.

Travel Tips

  • Best Time to Visit: The best time to visit QiBao Ancient Town is during spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) when the weather is mild and pleasant.
  • Getting There: QiBao Ancient Town is located about 18 kilometers from ShangHai city center. It is accessible by metro (Line 9, QiBao Station) or by taxi. The journey takes approximately 30-40 minutes.
  • Opening Hours: The town is open to visitors daily from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.
  • Entrance Fees: There is no entrance fee for the town itself, but some attractions and museums within the town may charge a small fee.
  • Dress Comfortably: Wear comfortable walking shoes, as the town's streets are paved with cobblestones and can be uneven.
  • Respect Local Customs: When visiting temples and cultural sites, be respectful of local customs and traditions. Always ask for permission before taking photos of people.

Shanghai is one of China's most dynamic and cosmopolitan cities, blending a rich history with modern skyscrapers and vibrant culture. Here's what you need to know as a tourist visiting Shanghai:

Historical and Cultural Landmarks:
The Bund: This iconic waterfront promenade along the Huangpu River features colonial-era buildings on one side and futuristic skyscrapers on the other, offering stunning views of Shanghai's skyline.

Yu Garden: Dating back to the Ming dynasty, Yu Garden is a classical Chinese garden with pavilions, ponds, and rockeries. The nearby Yu Garden Bazaar is a great place to shop for souvenirs and traditional crafts.

Shanghai Museum: Home to an extensive collection of Chinese art and artifacts, including bronzes, ceramics, paintings, and calligraphy, the Shanghai Museum is a must-visit for history and art enthusiasts.

Jing'an Temple: One of Shanghai's most famous Buddhist temples, Jing'an Temple is known for its beautiful architecture, peaceful atmosphere, and towering golden Buddha statue.

Modern Attractions:
Shanghai Tower: Ascend to the observation deck of this iconic skyscraper, the tallest in China and the second-tallest in the world, for panoramic views of the city.

The Oriental Pearl TV Tower: Another iconic landmark, this futuristic tower offers observation decks, a glass-bottomed skywalk, and a revolving restaurant.

Shanghai Disneyland: Located in the Pudong district, Shanghai Disneyland offers a magical experience for visitors of all ages with its themed lands, attractions, and entertainment.

Shopping and Entertainment:
Nanjing Road: One of the world's busiest shopping streets, Nanjing Road is lined with department stores, boutiques, and restaurants. Don't miss the nearby pedestrian-friendly Nanjing Road East, known for its lively atmosphere and street performers.

Xintiandi: This upscale shopping, dining, and entertainment district features a mix of traditional Shikumen-style buildings and modern amenities, making it a popular destination for locals and tourists alike.

French Concession: Explore this historic neighborhood known for its tree-lined streets, charming cafes, boutiques, and art galleries.

Culinary Delights:
Shanghai Cuisine: Sample local specialties such as xiaolongbao (soup dumplings), shengjianbao (pan-fried dumplings), and Shanghai-style noodles.

Street Food: Wander through the city's bustling food markets and snack streets to taste a variety of street foods, from savory pancakes to grilled skewers.

Practical Tips:
Transportation: Shanghai has an efficient public transportation system, including the subway, buses, and taxis. Consider purchasing a rechargeable transportation card for convenience.

Language: While Mandarin is the official language, English is widely spoken in tourist areas, hotels, and restaurants.

Weather: Shanghai experiences four distinct seasons, with hot, humid summers and chilly winters. The best times to visit are spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) when the weather is mild and comfortable.

Etiquette: Respect local customs and traditions, such as using polite language and avoiding loud behavior in public places.

Shanghai offers a captivating blend of old and new, with its historic landmarks, modern skyscrapers, vibrant culture, and delectable cuisine. Whether you're interested in history, architecture, shopping, or dining, Shanghai has something to offer every type of visitor.

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