Planning war on China – part 14 : Silicon Valley and the US Offence department

With NuMuves ...


Bonus film - on Venezuela, with Ben Norton and The Moderate Rebels ...


On Nicaragua ...


On the MSM ...

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On Ethiopia ...

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BeiJingBuzzz - because truth is sacred.

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NanLuoGuXiang 南锣鼓巷, BeiJing
NánLuóGǔXiàng was first constructed during the Yuan Dynasty and received its current name during the Qing Dynasty, around 1750. The alley is approximately 800 meters long. In recent years, the area's HuTongs have become a popular tourist destination with restaurants, bars, live music, tea and coffee shops, fast food and souvenir shops, as well as some old SiHeYuan associated with various famous historic and literary figures. NanLuoGuXiang subway station is located near the south entrance to the alley.
A trip to JingShan Park 景山公园 and the Forbidden City 紫禁城, BeiJing
JingShan Park lies immediately north of the Forbidden City (Palace Museum).
A boat cruise along the Li River 漓江, GuiLin to YangShuo
GuangXi province. With a great song too :)
Simple Chinese language phrases to enhance your China trip (pinyin and pronunciation)
PinYin - English : pronunciation. ~ is used where there are two sounds in one syllable. Ou[ch] means use the first sound of the word 'ouch'; same sound as ow[l]. *** Greetings Nǐ Hǎo - Hello / Hi (literally, you good?) : nee how Zài Jiàn - Goodbye / bye : z~eye jee~ann HuānYíng (GuāngLín) - Welcome ! (You'll often hear this when enter a restaurant) DaJia Hao ! - Hello everybody ! *** Introductions Nǐ - you / your : nee Wǒ - I / my : woh What is your name? - Nǐ jiào shénme míngzì? : Nee j~ou[ch] shen mer ming zuh? My name is ... - Wǒ de míngzì shì ... : Woh der ming zuh sh ... *** XièXiè - : Thanks : shee~air shee~air (second is a little softer/quieter) XièXiè Nǐ ! - Thank you! : shee~air shee~air nee! *** DuìBuQǐ - Excuse me / sorry : der boo chee BúKèQì - No problem / you're welcome : boo ker chee Mei guan xi - No problem / you're welcome : may goo~ann shee Qǐng - Please : ching Mei / MeiHǎo - Beautiful : may / may how *** Interations DuWei - That's right : doo~way (quickly, and often said twice) Yes and no have no direct translations in Chinese, but the following will be fine is answer to common questions, although they are more like 'to be' and 'not to be' if translated literally; however, these are real colloquial uses. Bú shì - no : boo shh Bú shì can also be used in reply to 'Thank you !' with the meaning 'you're welcome' / 'no need to say' / 'it's nothing' Shì de - yes : shh der E.g. LàJiāo ? - lah jee~ou[ch] (chillies ?) : Shì de / Bú shì *** Wǒ - I / me : woh Nǐ - You : nee Tā - He / she : tah *** Shopping and restaurants Wǒ Yào - I want / would like I would like one of these : Wǒ yào Yī ge Zhè ge (woh yow ee guh jay guh) *** ZhèGe - This : jay guh NàGe - That : nay guh *** Yī Ge - One (of) : ee guh Lian Ge - Two (of) : lee~ann guh (Two as a simple number is Er, pronounced 'are') Sān Ge - Three (of) : san guh *** Duō Shǎo Qián? - How much? (price) : doo~or sh~ow[l] chee~ann? Zhège duōshǎo qián? - How much is this? : jay guh Nàgè duōshǎo qián? - How much is that? : nay guh Tài Guì Le! - too expensive! : tie gwee ler! *** nǐhǎo ma? - How are you? : nee how mar ? Hǎo De - ok : how der Hěn Hǎo - Good : hen how Bù Hǎo - Not good : boo how *** ShénMe? - When? : shen mer NǎLi? - Where : nah lee? Nǎr - There (gesturing) : nah Qĭng wèn - Excuse me (before asking a stranger a question) : ching wen Qĭng wèn, weì shēng jiān (zài) nă lĭ? - Where is the restroom? : Ching wen. Way sheng jee~ann z~eye (nah) lee? Qĭng wèn, dìtiě zhàn (zài) nǎ lǐ? - Where is the metro station? : Ching wen, dee tee~air z~eye (nah) lee? You might hear zai nar in norther China (e.g. BeiJing) *** 小 Xiǎo - Small : sh~ow[l] 大 Dà - Big : dah Tai - Too : tie *** Bin De - Ice-cold : bin der Lian De - Cold : lee~ann der Rè de - Hot : rer der Rè chá - hot tea : rer char Bīng píjiǔ - Cold beer : bing pee jee~oh *** La - Spicy : lah Bu La - not spicy : boo lah Xiao La - a little spicy : shee~ow[l] lah Da La - Very spicy : dah lah Tai La! - too spicy! : tie lah! *** Noodles - Miàn : mee~ann Dumplings - JiǎoZi : jee~ow[l] zuh Rice - MiFàn / Fàn : mee fan / fan Eggs - JīDàn : jee dan Beef - NiúRòu 牛肉 : nee~you row Lamb - YángRòu 羊肉 : yang row Chicken - JīRòu 鸡肉 : jee row Pork - ZhūRòu 猪肉 : joo row Fish - YúRòu 鱼肉 : yoo row Tofu - DòuFu 豆腐 : doh foo (See BeijingBuzzz's food cheat sheet for much more) (Wo) Chī bǎole! - (I'm) full! : Woh ch b~ou[ch] ler! (Ni) Chī bǎole ma? - (Are you) full? : (Nee) ch b~ou[ch] ler maa? Ma is appended to change a statement into a question. *** ZhōngGuó - China : jong goo~woh YīngGuó - England : ying goo~woh MěiGuó - America : may goo~woh ZhōngWén - Chinese nationality : jong ren YīngWén - English nationality : ying ren *** Hótel - Hotel FànDiàn - Hotel / Restaurant : fan dee~ann Wǒ Bù ZhīDào - I don't know : woh boo juh~dow Tīng Bù Dǒng - I don't understand : ting boo dong ZhèGe Duōshǎo Qián? / DuōShǎo Qián? - How much is this? : doo~or sh~ow[l} chee~ann? Tài guìle ! - Too expensive ! : tie-gwee lah ! Wo Yao ... - I would like ... : woh yow ... Wǒ Yào ZhèGe - I want this one : woh yow jay~guh *** 5 yuan (kwai) / 2 pieces (items) 5元 / 2个 or 5元 2个 8 折 (bā zhé), which directly translates as '8 discount'. This means that the discounted price is 80% of the original price (20% off). 人 Rén - Person : ren 5元 / 2人 - 5 yuan for 2 people *** For toilet doors / WCs : 男 - Man 女 - Woman *** BúShì - No : boo shh ShìDe - Yes : Shh der Hǎo de - Okay : how der MéiYǒu - none / out of stock : may~oh *** Wǒ ài ... - I love ... : woh eye ... - I love this! : woh eye jay-guh! Wǒ ài ZhōngGuó - I love China : woh eye jong goo~woh *** Hǎo Chī - Delicious (literally good eat) : how ch Bú Hǎo Chī - Not tasty : boo how ch One can think of 'Bú' as meaning 'not' *** Wǒ Bù LiǎoJiě - I don't understand : woh boo lee~ow[l]~jee~air *** Chi - eat : ch Wǒ Xiǎng ... - I would like ... : woh shee~ang ... Wǒ Xiǎng Chī ... - I would like to eat ... : woh she~ang ch ... *** Directions Bei - North : bay Nan - South : nan Xi - West : shee Dong - East : dong *** DìTiě - Subway train : dee tee~air Dìtiě nali ma? - Where is the subway? : dee tee~air nah~lee ma Zhan - Train station : zahn Men - gate : men Yuan / kwai - rmb (currency) : yoo~ann / kw~eye (more common) Gong yuan - Park : gong yoo~ann *** KāFēi - Coffee : kah fay Chá - Tea : chah kěLè - Cola : ker ler PiJiou - Beer : pee jee~oh Shui - Water : shway Wo yao liang ge pijiou liande - I would like two cold beers : woh yow[l] lee~ann guh pee jee~oh lee~ann der *** Jia Yo! - Let's go! / Go! (encouraging) : jee~ah yoh! Wǒ Bù Shuō Hànyǔ / ZhōngWén - I don't speak Chinese (huh?!) Or simply Bù ZhōngWén : boo jong wen *** Numbers Numbers are easy (there are finger position numbers too, but that's not so easy) : 1 - Yī : ee 2 - Èr : are 3 - Sān : san 4 - Sì : si (the sound is the first half of 'soot') (short sound) 5 - Wǔ : woo~oh 6 - Liù : lee~oo 7 - Qī : chee 8 - Bā : bah 9 - Jiǔ : jee~oo 10 - Shí : shhh (longer sound) Example of 11 - 99 : 73 - Qi Shí Sān (7x10) + 3 : chee shhh san (7 10 3) 70 - Qi Shí (7x10) : chee shhh (7 10) 100 - Bǎi : buy Example of 101 - 999 : 357 - Sān Bǎi Wǔ Shí Qī (3x100 + 5x10 + 7) : san buy woo~oh shhh chee (3 100 5 10 7) 300 - Sān Bǎi (3x100) : san buy (3 100) One small complication - two (of) - rather than the number two) is liǎng ge : lee~ang ger *** Cheers! - GānBēi! : gan bey!
Light show at the ShangHai Concert Hall 2021 上海音乐厅墙面立体灯光秀“光音的故事”
With Wei's Travel ...
Awesome, beautiful China 中国 Celebrating 70 years of the People’s Republic …
Don't miss it ... 00:06 北京故宫千秋亭 (Beijing Forbidden City, QianQiu Pavilion) 00:12 紫禁城 (Forbidden city) 00:19 甘肃嘉峪关 (Gansu Jiayuguan) 00:29 中国台湾竹林山观音寺 (Guanyin Temple, Zhulin Mountain, Taiwan, China) 00:37 江苏无锡灵山大佛 (Jiangsu Wuxi Lingshan Buddha) 00:46 四川稻城白塔 (Sichuan Daocheng Baita) 00:50 山西太原蒙山大佛 (Mengshan Buddha, Taiyuan, Shanxi) 01:11 四川巴塘措普湖 (Sichuan Batang Thomp Lake) 01:20 云南泸沽湖里格半岛 (Yunnan Lihu Peninsula) 01:29 西藏羊卓雍措 (Tibet Yangzhuo) 01:37 河南王屋山 (Henan Wangwushan) 01:42 江西庐山 (Jiangxi Lushan) 01:47 江西婺源 (Jiangxi Wuyuan) 01:51 湖南张家界 (Zhangjiajie, Hunan) 01:59 四川那玛峰 (Naama Peak, Sichuan) 02:13 乌鲁木齐天格尔峰 (Urumqi Tiangle Peak) 02:22 四川雅哈垭口 (Sichuan Yaha Pass) 02:34 杭州西湖曲院风荷 (Hangzhou West Lake Quyuan Fenghe) 02:43 江西新余 (Jiangxi Xinyu) 02:47 广西桂林 (Guilin) 02:58 湖北武汉东湖 (Wuhan East Lake, Hubei) 03:03 海南三亚海上观音 (Hainan Sanya Sea Goddess of Mercy) 03:07 贵州千户苗寨 (Guizhou Qianhu Miao Village) 03:12 浙江宁波 (Ningbo, Zhejiang) 03:16 南京美龄宫 (Nanjing Meiling Palace) 03:20 上海 (Shanghai) 03:24 江苏苏州 (Suzhou, Jiangsu) 03:28 广东广州 (Guangzhou, Guangdong) 03:33 中国香港 (Hong Kong, China) 03:38 中国澳门 (Macao, China) 03:40 北京三里屯 (Beijing Sanlitun) 03:41 宁夏银川鼓楼 (Ningxia Yinchuan Drum Tower) 03:44 黑龙江哈尔滨大教堂 (Harbin Cathedral, Heilongjiang Province) 03:46 云南昆明官渡古镇 (Guandu Ancient Town, Kunming, Yunnan) 03:48 广东广州中山纪念堂 (Zhongshan Memorial Hall, Guangzhou, Guangdong) 03:51 天津小白楼 (Tianjin Xiaobai Building) 03:53 湖北襄阳唐城 (Tangyang City, Hubei Province) 03:55 安徽歙县 (Yixian County, Anhui Province) 03:59 吉林长白山天池 (Jilin Changbai Mountain Tianchi) 04:04 湖南张家界武陵源 (Wulingyuan, Zhangjiajie, Hunan) 04:12 重庆潼南 (Chongqing Weinan) 04:15 北京大兴机场 (Beijing Daxing Airport) 04:17 青海昆仑眼 (Qinghai Kunlun Eye) 04:19 南海三沙蓝洞 (Nansha Sansha Blue Cave) 04:21 上海陆家嘴环路 (Shanghai Lujiazui Ring Road) 04:23 陕西西安钟楼 (Xi'an Bell Tower, Shaanxi) 04:25 重庆洪崖洞 (Chongqing Hongyadong) 04:27 山西临汾华门 (Linyi Huamen, Shanxi) 04:30 陕西雨岔大陕谷 (Shaanxi Rainy Dashan Valley) 04:32 新疆开都河 (Kaidu River, Xinjiang) 04:34 新疆伊犁新源 (Xinjiang Yili Xinyuan) 04:36 云南文山普者黑 (Yunnan Wenshan Puzhehei) 04:39 新疆昌吉江布拉克 (Xinjiang Changji River Braque) 04:41 浙江台州大陈岛荧光海 (Fluorescent Sea, Dachen Island, Taizhou, Zhejiang) 04:43 新疆禾木 (Xinjiang Hemu) 04:46 安徽黄山 (Anhui Huangshan) 04:48 安徽休宁县 (Xiuning County, Anhui Province) 04:49 江西武功山 (Jiangxi Wugong Mountain) 04:50 福建厦门 (Fujian Xiamen) 04:51 福建土楼 (Fujian Tulou) 04:52 甘肃七彩丹霞 (Gansu colorful Danxia) 04:53 甘肃敦煌月牙泉 (Gansu Dunhuang Crescent Spring) 04:54 贵州黄果树瀑布 (Guizhou Huangguoshu Waterfall) 04:55 贵州贵阳 (Guiyang, Guizhou) 04:56 贵州FAST天眼望远镜 (Guizhou FAST sky telescope) 04:58 广东汕尾凤山妈祖像 (Guangdong Shanwei Fengshan Mazu statue) 04:59 广东惠州汉月湾 (Huizhou Hanyue Bay, Guangdong) 05:00 广东南沙大桥 (Guangdong Nansha Bridge) 05:01 广东广州中轴线 (Guangdong Guangzhou Central axis) 05:02 广东深圳华润总部 (Guangdong Shenzhen China Resources Headquarters) 05:03 广东深圳机场 (Guangdong Shenzhen Airport) 05:04 湖北武汉长江 (Wuhan Yangtze River, Hubei) 05:05 湖北武汉黄鹤楼 (Yellow Crane Tower, Wuhan, Hubei) 05:06 湖北武汉东湖樱园 (Wuhan East Lake Sakura Garden, Hubei) 05:07 湖北长阳天柱山 (Tianzhu Mountain, Changyang, Hubei) 05:08 湖北荆州古城 (Ancient city of Jingzhou, Hubei) 05:10 宁夏中华黄河楼 (Ningxia Zhonghua Yellow River Building) 05:11 河南老君山 (Laojun Mountain, Henan) 05:12 河南龙门石窟 (Longmen Grottoes, Henan) 05:13 黑龙江哈尔滨冰雪大世界 (Harbin Ice and Snow World in Heilongjiang Province) 05:14 黑龙江大庆芍药花海 (Heilongjiang Daqing peony flower sea) 05:15 湖南长沙大剧院 (Hunan Changsha Grand Theatre) 05:16 湖南凤凰古镇 (Fenghuang Ancient Town, Hunan) 05:17 吉林集安 (Jilin Ji'an) 05:18 辽宁沈阳 (Shenyang, Liaoning) 05:20 辽宁大连星海湾大桥 (Dalian Xinghai Bay Bridge, Liaoning) 05:21 辽宁大连长兴岛 (Changxing Island, Dalian, Liaoning) 05:22 江苏扬州瘦西湖 (Slender West Lake, Yangzhou, Jiangsu) 05:23 江苏苏州十里斜塘 (Suzhou Shili Liantang) 05:24 江苏南京灵谷寺萤火虫 (Fireflies in Linggu Temple, Nanjing, Jiangsu) 05:25 江苏南京平流雾 (Nanjing Nanjing River) 05:26 广西柳州 (Liuzhou, Guangxi) 05:27 广西桂林相公山 (Xianggong Mountain, Guilin, Guangxi) 05:28 广西德天瀑布 (Guangxi Detian Waterfall) 05:29 广西百色福禄河 (Guangxi Baise Fulu River) 05:30 青海格尔木河 (Qinghai Golmud River) 05:32 青海俄博梁 (Qinghai Russian Boliang) 05:33 青海哈拉湖 (Qinghai Lake Hala) 05:34 青海湖 (Qinghai Lake)
Scenic QingDao
With Walk East ...
XiXia style garden in YinChuan, NingXia province
Including the evening / night light show ...

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