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War or peace ? US or China
Don't miss it. With Cyrus and Alex ...
Chang’An DaJie and TianAnMen, central BeiJing 北京
TianAnMen Square and to the east along Chang'An Avenue, near the new CCTV complex and the CBD
XuanWu Lake, NanJing 南京城中的湖
With Katherine's Journey to the East 阳离子东游记 ... Bonus film - JiangSu to AnHui bike ride ...
Life in GuangZhou, GuangDong province
With Rafa Goes Around! ... Bonus film - on smartphone life ...
HanFu in SuZhou, with FunFancie – don’t miss it
JiangSu province.
JingDeZhen 景德镇 : Why porcelain is commonly known as China
JingDeZhen, in JiangXi province, is known as the Porcelain Capital' because it has been producing pottery for over 1,700 years. JingDeZhen is close to the best quality deposits of petuntse, or porcelain stone, in China, as well as being surrounded by forests, mostly of pine, providing wood for the kilns. It also has river connections flowing both north and south, facilitating transport of the fragile wares. Its best-known high quality porcelain wares have been QingBai in the Song and Yuan dynasties, blue and white porcelain from the 1330s, and the 'famille rose# (and other 'famille' colors) during the Qing dynasty.
Discover amazing, beautiful China 中国
Ancient roots, modern outlook; a wide variety of natural landscapes; diverse cultures; so much to see and do; welcome to China ...
A guide to HaiNan 海南
With live-wire host Sonia. Don't miss it ...
Tofu (DoFu) – traditional country style – making and cooking

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