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Discover amazing, beautiful China 中国
Ancient roots, modern outlook; a wide variety of natural landscapes; diverse cultures; so much to see and do; welcome to China ...
YangTze 长江 River cruise
The Yangtze or YangZi (Cháng jiāng) is the longest river in Asia, the third-longest in the world, and the longest in the world to flow entirely within one country. Its source is in the northern part of the Tibetan Plateau and flows 6,300 km (3,900 miles) in a generally eastern direction to the East China Sea near ShangHai.
Good morning BeiJing 北京 !
Early morning in the Temple of Heaven (TianTan) park ...
Music – BeiJing My Love 北京我的爱
Singers - Yang Zi and Zhang YiShan 杨紫, 张一山 at the 2020 BeiJing Spring Festival Gala ...
Fun adventures in DunHuang 敦煌, western GanSu province
DunHuang is situated in a rich oasis within the Gobi Desert that includes Crescent Lake. DunHuang held a strategic position at the crossroads of the ancient Southern Silk Route and the main road leading from India via Lhasa to Mongolia and Southern Siberia, as well as the entrance to the narrow HeXi Corridor, which led straight to the heart of the northern China plains and the ancient capitals of Chang'An (known today as Xi'An) and LuoYang. The Gobi Desert is a 'rain shadow desert', formed by the Himalayan mountain range blocking rain-carrying clouds from the Indian Ocean.
ShangHai mega mall – Sinar Mas Plaza in the Spring Festival
上海北外滩白玉兰广场春节漫步之行-迎春锣鼓秀 With Wei's Travel ...
The Return of China
Not the rise of, just the return. A talk by Australian Malcolm Turnbull ... A comment re defense spending - per capita (person), China is not even in the top 15 - Defense spending is in fact very small considering the size of the country.
ShenZhen night walk in Talent Park
With Walk For You ... Bonus films : - LuoHu district, ShenZhen ... - Coco Park, ShenZhen ... - QianHai MixC, Free Trade Zone, ShenZhen ... - OCT Harbour / OCT Harbor, ShenZhen ...
Industrial policy – China supports new small specialized companies while the West props up old large companies
With Inside China Business ...

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