NingBo Boonie Bear Bay Paradise

With Wei's Travel ...


00:00 Tour Highlights 行程精华

01:16 Main Entrance 乐园正门

04:11 Boonie Cubs World 熊熊乐园

06:55 Bear Bay Light Show 熊湾光影秀

19:08 Bear Bay Cinema 熊湾影院

21:48 Youth Basketball Show 青春篮球特技秀

25:15 Bear Bay Boulevard 熊湾大道

27:42 Boonie Bears Flagship Store 熊出没旗舰店

29:52 Bear Bay Shopping Street 欢乐港湾商店街

34:29 Water Park 水上乐园

42:35 Bears Bay Hotel 熊湾乐园大酒店

46:00 Southwest Entrance 乐园西南入口

51:07 Paradise Summer Market 乐园夏日集市

55:36 Bear Bay Food Street 港湾美食街区

01:00:16 Bear Bay Lakeside 熊湾湖畔

01:07:33 Entertainment Project Area 熊湾娱乐项目区

01:12:23 Back to Earth 4D Movie 重返地球4D电影

01:17:49 Rainbow Promenade 彩虹长廊

01:20:12 Wobbly Chairs 欢乐跳跳

01:23:43 Sky Eye~Ferris Wheel 天空之眼~摩天轮餐厅

China Fantawild Tourism Resort owns dozens of Fantawild Parks and is the largest chain of theme parks in China. Fantawild's theme park brand is built with completely independent intellectual property rights by the Chinese and is the leading large-scale high-tech fourth largest in China. Fantawild is a modern theme park distributed in major cities in China. Fantawild combines entertainment elements with traditional Chinese cultural symbols and integrates top entertainment technology. Tens of millions of tourists come here every year. The total passenger flow of Fantawild has been Ranking second in the world, it has become Disneyland’s strongest competitor in China and is known as the Dreamland of the East!

Ningbo Boonie Bear Bay Paradise, newly built by China Fantawild Resort, has a total investment of RMB 1 billion. It is a unique fully open ticket-free park in China. Entry to the park is completely free, except for paid entertainment projects. , other park performances can be watched for free, thus attracting a large number of tourists to experience it! Bear Bay Park consists of three major parts: the open theme district, Bear Bay Water Park, and Bear Bay Hotel. When fully put into use, there will be more than 20 indoor and outdoor special amusement projects and nearly 100 leisure landscapes, flavored restaurants and Specialty shops are open to welcome customers.

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