Musical fun in FuJian 福建 province …

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Harmony vs discord – how China and the US are distinct
In China the people are family. In the West, the people are livestock. -- Why 'livestock' ? Because in an 'individualistic' society (rather than a communal one), the government will be composed of the elite and above the people (employ divide and rule, and keep the people in dreams and poverty). Bonus film - with Willene Business & Lifestyle ... Why China is the future while the West is stuck in (and trying to preserve) the past. Bonus film - with Jason / Living in China - the suspended monorail in WuHan ... With Jerry's Take on China ...
HeNan 河南 – the heart of China
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漫步滨城大连东方水城 With Gecko Walks ...
Planning war on China – part 12
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ZhangYe National GeoPark
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Memories of the ShangHai 上海 World Expo 2010 (8)
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BeiHai Park 北海公园, BeiJing – beautiful slideshow
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ZheJiang province. A beautiful place to relax ...
The Dragon roller coaster, Ocean Park, Hong Kong 香港

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