Music and dance, spring 2018

A variety of flash-mobs from around China ...

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A weekend in HangZhou 杭州
Join Tim and Glo as they visit West Lake, the LongJing tea terraces, chill out with a hot-pot (that's chilli not tomato, btw) and more in HangZhou, ZheJiang province, east China, just 120 miles / 180 km from ShangHai ... What better way to end a misty, rainy day at the lake than a Hot Pot ... Bonus film - back in ShangHai, popping out for fried rice and chicken street food take away, passing the Bund and YuYuan Gardens by bicycle ...
GuiZhou country girl – a day in the life
Beautiful DaLian 美丽大连 超清
LiaoNing province. A beautiful film ... DaLian at night ... Informational guide ...
The BeijingBuzzz Mid-summer Music Gala, 2016
A tad late this year, but here it is ... Fire up your huo guo (hot pot) or pop that corn, kick back and enjoy our music selection ... If you can, please support this site with a donation; it really does help us keep going ... Thank you from the BeijingBuzzz team !
China’s Mega Projects (1/5) : Manufacturing
The beautiful Summer Palace 頤和園 in BeiJing (2) – video
Filmed in 2011 ...
American exceptionalism and China
With Garland Nixon ...
The Great Wall of China 长城 in autumn
Sections of the Great Wall near BeiJing, including HuangHua, filmed from a small, remote-controlled quad-copter drone; awesome ...
The G7 (1 + 6 slaves) rubber stamp get together – summary
"Whatever we are doing, we'll say you are doing" (projection); aggression, trade war, etc. We could have a win-win, but the G7 is only interested in win-lose / hegemony (and they might end up the loser); but most likely it will either be win-win, or we all lose. G7 : "Us and Them ..." "Ashes and diamonds - Foes and friends ... We are all equal; In the end" - RW And all this, from Hiroshima, of all places - devastated by a US atomic bomb dropped on a civilian city, killing over 80% of the people. The US tested two bombs on Japan, the only country to have nuked another. And the slaves bow down (in fear; or some type of psychosis) ... Since September 2011, the US has killed around 4 million of Earth's people ...

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