Mount JiuHua 九华山 in the snow

JǐuHuá Shān, 'Nine Glorious Mountains', is one of the four sacred mountains of Chinese Buddhism. Located in AnHui province, it is famous for its rich landscape and ancient temples.

A beautiful film ...

AnHui map

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Official racism. Reality is so very different from the ‘official’ / MSM narrative / fairy tale – DON’T MISS THIS !
Planning War On China part 40 (the encore). From now, all similar content will be on the new Geopolitics page, so do check that out and bookmark. Something Different, health, and psychology videos are likely to also move to their own pages. So we will still cover all these aspects of life, but have more time to focus on Chinese culture and China travel. *************************** Official racism is a very important fact to consider, and because it is is based on propaganda, can be easily missed for what it really is. Yet once seen, it is all so clear. Us and Them - is the sales pitch of supremacists and bomb companies. That is ALL it is. There is no 'us and them'; that is just a scam to fool you into obedience / subservience / enslavement. The real schism is that there are real / open-eyed people, and then there are the brainwashed / believers people. Simple as that. Puppets at the top; puppets at the bottom. One life, one world, one family. One has love, or one does not. Real love doesn't have targets; real love is a light that shines in all directions. Onto the video film ... With George Galloway in conversation with Jerry's Take on China ... Bonus films ... George at his very best - don't miss it ... What is more important - life or money (power) ? Simply believe ? Or be free to see reality ?? No longer puppet. Live more ... Because it is not about 'me' (that is the scam / fantasy, and a big topic in itself - 'your problems are all your fault', is part of it); it is really about 'WE'. In China, the people are family. In the West, the people are livestock. And that is the 'threat'. [ video v=fIxPv2Dn_P0 ] Oliver Stone interviews Vladimir Putin ... Taiwan the next Ukraine ? ... Lee Camp ... [ video v=OSkpIq3T-Zc ] Racism is racism is racism. There is NO excuse, no matter how 'official' it is sold to you. Something like 3 million died in the Vietnam war (not including the carpet bombing of Laos and Cambodia), alone. This is what racism entails. How many times will this lie play out ? Meanwhile ... Peace.
SanYa 三亚, HaiNan 海南 island
The Great Wall : scenes from JinShanLing 金山岭 and SiMaTai 司马台
Perhaps the most beautiful section and a great hike. About two and a half hours or so north east of BeiJing.
Something Different – Caro Emerald live – A Night Like This @ Sziget 2012 (music)
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Awesome DaLi, YunNan province – timeless charm
With Feeding Foca ... "The mountains are high, and the emperor is far away."
The Solana Lifestyle Shopping Park 蓝色港湾, Beijing
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