Mega Machines – China’s infrastructure building capabilities


Bonus film - the world's longest sea bridge ...


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Happy New Year – 2019 – from BeiJingBuzzz
Wishing everyone a very happy 2019 - BeiJingBuzzz. Live more !! Please donate, we really need your help to keep going and to make this site even better - thank you from Panda88 and all the BeijingBuzzz team ...
SanQing Mountain 三清山, JiangXi province
SanQingShan is a renowned Taoist sacred site located 25 miles (40 km) north of YuShan County in JiangXi Province. With outstanding natural scenery, plants and wildlife, the park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that in all covers 230 square kilometers. SanQing means the “Three Pure Ones” in Chinese as Mount SanQing is composed of three main summits: YuJing, YuShui, and YuHua, representing the Taoist trinity. YuJing (rising 1820 meters above sea level) is the highest. 三峰峻拔、如三清列坐其巅 SanQing Mountain in Jiangxi Province, although not very well-known to many people today, was regarded as a sacred place for Taoists in the Tang Dynasty period (618-907), when Taoism was at its most popular. With beautiful clouds, mist and strange-shaped pine trees, Sanqing Mountain is a fairyland far from the hustle and bustle of city life. The mountain is shrouded in mist for about 200 days each year. On misty days, dense fog envelops the mountain completely and makes you think you are wandering in the clouds. Once in a while, wind blows away the mist, and a stiff, imposing peak suddenly appears right in front of you.
Christmas carnival at Window of the World, ChangSha, provincial capital of HuNan
Night Walk In ChangSha Christmas Carnival | 4K HDR Festival Party| China | 湖南 | 长沙 | 世界之窗节日秀
100 useful conversational phrases for Chinese language learners
Bonus film - two hours of pronunciation practice ...
An introduction to the city of NingBo 宁波 …
ZheJiang province, east China, south of ShangHai. Every Chinese city has its unique flavor, but in many ways, this is the New China AnyTown ...
On Taiwan, China’s rise and Western hegemony
August 1st 2022. With The New Atlas - Brian Berletic and Angelo Giuliano ... Orsis Rutherford The problem with the US is that 90% of the population could not find Taiwan or The Ukraine on a map. I went to China in 2015 and I discovered an amazing country with a blend of tradition and modernity. People looked happy and I felt safe. AloofMicrobe "Be humble. Admit you know nothing about China. Start from zero and start building up a real understanding." Probably the best advice I've had my entire life - and I'm 63 years old! Thank you so much, both of you. Love and peace, from London. ashley mistletoe As a Taiwaneses, I can vouch for everything you said about Taiwan, history, politics.. very surprised that you nailed so much details. To add a few more facts: 1. Right now in Taiwan it's a hostage situation: people don't want to go to war with China but this government is doing america bidding and for us it's just disgusting, hateful yet there's nothing much we can do... 2. This government brainwashes the less informed population, controls media and public opinions with a massive cyber force that's silencing and suppressing opposition. It's despicable that they have the shame to brag about democracy. 3. NO ONE IN TAIWAN WANTS A WAR, not even the heavily propagandized, except the very few brainwashed extremists. Those in power such as Ms. Tsai never mind bleeding our blood but trust me they will be the first to fly away the moment smell of war approaches. 4. I've heard over and over again that parents told their kids to surrender when the war breaks out. I remember vividly one of them said, "Who are we fighting for? Tsai Yinwen?" followed with an angry sneer. THIS GOVERNMENT IS A DISGRACE. Nancy Barra Brian, you represent the best of young Americans. Your critical thinking and analytical skills are amazing and I hope people like you can lead the United States to a new era in the future. In the meantime you are helping a lot of people to think beyond what mass media is proyecting. Angelo Giluino is also a great thinker and analyst. Gav Munro As a Brit in China I agree with Angelo 100% about the sense of humility that we should have. I was someone who questioned why things were the way they were in China, thankfully the more I tried to understand China the quicker I grew out of it. There's a much said phrase here that 'When I landed in China I could write a book about it, after 10 years I could write a leaflet on it, after 15 years I can barely write half a page about it'. That's the reality. China is an enigma, it's not to be 'advised' but to be respected and studied. It's brought it's poorest into a middle class at a rate of knots. The west is vilifying China not to China's determent but to their own. They could learn so much from China's rise. Their elites choose not to tell the people the real story. That's the real tragedy. Bonus film - with Richard Wolff ... Bonus film - with Garland Nixon ...
ShenZhen 深圳 – city of the future (documentary)
A look at how the city of ShenZhen is leading the way in robots, electric vehicles and solar powered charging stations, plus an automated parking solution ... Bonus films - aerial view of ShenZhen by drone ... plus, driving around ShenZhen ...
A thought on the latest BBC’s daily China hate article
Quote (from the BBC 'news' website, 19th February 2023) : "Meanwhile, friends of the detainees [supposedly lockdown protesters], anxious and worried for their own personal safety, continue to keep tabs on the situation and share information. Many of them live overseas and did not attend the November protests ... [about saving lives with lockdowns]." The lockdowns might have been over the top, but doubtless saved many lives - so that is a matter of debate; and the 'protesters' might have had some good arguments [one might say], but the key thing here is whether in reality it was all a Western attempt at subverting China; and if one looks at other articles around the same time / leading up to these 'protests' [greatly exaggerated], that seems to indeed be the case. Again, in the BBC's own words : Many of them LIVE OVERSEAS. In the BBC's own words : Many of them LIVE OVERSEAS. LIVE OVERSEAS. This is a very important point to keep in mind : these people were not there, but somehow have something to say, and their 'not even there' tale is being pushed by MSM. It is the XinJiang / HK scam repeated over, and over, and over again. Who are these people and who do they work for ? [Well hidden of course] Not knowing these facts, why trust them ??? Enough of the BBC - they have no credibility; we are not going to do this every day [when see excrement, step over it, it is not worth analysing]; the lies are easy to spot, if you look. Open your eyes ... And always remember that propaganda is the first move in war - demonise your 'enemy' [everyone 'else']. While frustration can be understood, covert agendas [and foreign recruits?] are another thing. For sure, though, the 'daily hate' will continue; and shame on them. *** Once the venom is extracted, the disease is cured. *** Bonus film - the US spent millions of dollars shooting down $12 hobby balloons ...
The beautiful XuanWu park in NanJing 南京 – video
Based around a large lake with a perimeter of 15 kilometers. In JiangSu province.

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