Making Chinese lanterns with bamboo

With 九月 江尋千 ...


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A month in China : Beautiful Natural Landscapes : tour suggestion from BeiJingBuzzz
Beautiful Natural Landscapes Tour of China Week 1-2: Southwest China Explore the karst landscapes of Guilin and Yangshuo, including Li River cruises and bamboo rafting, GuangXi province. Visit the terraced rice fields of Longji and ethnic minority villages, GuangXi province. Explore the unique rock formations and caves of Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, HuNan province. Week 3: Yunnan Province Discover the diverse landscapes of Yunnan, including the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Three Parallel Rivers and the Dongchuan Red Land. Visit the ancient town of Lijiang and hike Tiger Leaping Gorge. Explore the picturesque scenery of Shangri-La and visit the Songzanlin Monastery. Week 4: Tibet Experience the stunning landscapes and cultural heritage of Tibet, including the Potala Palace and Jokhang Temple in Lhasa. Visit Namtso Lake, one of the highest saltwater lakes in the world. Explore the Everest Base Camp and hike in the Himalayas.
Night walk in WuHan, capital of HuBei province
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A beautiful song – ‘Big Fish’  大鱼
From the awesome 2016 animated movie Big Fish and Begonia, directed by Liang Xuan and Zhang Chun, produced by Chinese studio B&T (Breath & Touch) in BeiJing - get it on DVD or at Netflix. An English language cover by AirahTea ... Writer : Zhou Shen 周深 海浪无声将夜幕深深淹没 The waves silently drown out the falling of night 漫过天尽头的角落 Drifting to the outermost corner of the sky 大鱼在梦境的缝隙里游过 The big fish swims amongst the nooks and crannies of a dream world 凝望你沉睡的轮廓 Gazing Longingly at your sleeping figure 看天一色听风起雨落 Look at the sea and sky, listen to the wind and rain 执子手吹散苍茫茫烟波 Grasping your hand, the vast mist slowly disperses 大鱼的翅膀已经太辽阔 But the wings of the fish are already too vast 我松开时间绳索 I have no choice but to release the rope of time 怕你飞远去 I'm afraid you'll fly away 怕你离我而去 Fly very far away from me 更怕你永远停留在这里 Even more than that, I'm afraid you'll never leave this place 每一滴泪水都向你流淌去 Every tear I shed always flows back to you 倒流进天空的海底 Flowing backwards in time from the sky to the sea 海浪无声将夜幕深深淹没 The waves silently drown out the falling of night 漫过天空尽头的角落 Drifting to the outermost corner of the sky 大鱼在梦境的缝隙里游过 The big fish swims amongst the nooks and crannies of a dream world 凝望你沉睡的轮廓 Gazing Longingly at your sleeping figure 看海天一色听风起雨落 Look at the sea and sky, listen to the wind and rain 执子手吹散苍茫茫烟波 Grasping your hand, the vast mist slowly disperses 大鱼的翅膀已经太辽阔 But the wings of the fish are already too vast 我松开时间的绳索 I have no choice but to release the rope of time 看你飞远去 I watch you fly away from me 看你离我而去 Fly very far away from me 原来你生来就属于天际 It seems you belong to the stars and the skies 每一滴泪水都向你流淌去 Every tear I shed always flows back to you 倒流回最初的相遇 Flowing back in time to the very first moment I saw you 倒流回最初的相遇 Flowing back in time to the very first moment I saw you AirahTea's translation : As the night begins, the sea takes quietly All the silent darkness of the sky. In my dream I see the fish swim gracefully, Gone as soon the sun begins to rise. Hear the rising wind. See the falling rain. Take my hand and I'll wash away the pain. Spread your wings, my dear. Don't be scared to grow. It is time for me to let you go. I am scared to see you fly far from me. But I fear even more if you stay here. All the pain I feel, every tear that I cry Flows reversed from the sea to the sky. As the night begins, the sea takes quietly All the silent darkness of the sky. In my dream I see the fish swim gracefully, Gone as soon the sun begins to rise. Hear the rising wind. See the falling rain. Take my hand and I'll wash away the pain. Spread your wings, my dear. Don't be scared to grow. It is time for me to let you go. As I see you fly, leaving me here behind. I could see, you were never mine to keep. All the pain I feel, every tear that I cry Flows reversed to when we said goodbye.
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ShangHai night walk in the new Fashion Street
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‘Socialism with Chinese characteristics’
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A trip to the beautiful HuangShan 黄山 mountain
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Night cruise on the TaiHe river, TianJin 天津
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