Magical SiChuan 四川 province

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How to eat Hot Pot 火锅 HuǒGuō, plus ingredients – in both Chinese script and pinyin
Hot pot dining is a communal and interactive meal enjoyed by many in China and beyond. A hot pot meal consists of a simmering broth into which fresh ingredients are cooked, then dipped into a sauce before eating, bit by bit. Meats are thinly sliced and can cook in just 20 seconds (be sure to cook only one slice at a time). One can have tomatoes or cucumber as a side dish to eat raw. Typically, the dipping sauce is sesame sprinkled with chopped spring onions though one add add various condiments such as chopped garlic. Spicy (Hot) Broth (麻辣汤 - Má là tāng): This broth is typically made with a combination of chili peppers, Sichuan peppercorns, garlic, ginger, and various spices. It's known for its fiery and numbing flavor, characteristic of Sichuan cuisine. It adds a spicy kick to the ingredients cooked in the hot pot, offering a tingling sensation on the palate. Non-Spicy (Not Hot) Broth (清汤 - Qīng tāng): This broth is a milder option compared to the spicy broth. It's often made with a clear or lightly flavored base, such as chicken, pork, or vegetable broth. It allows the natural flavors of the ingredients to shine through without the overpowering heat of spices. It's a popular choice for those who prefer a more subtle and refreshing taste. Two-in-One (Yuan Yang) Broth (鸳鸯锅 - Yuān yāng guō): The two-in-one broth offers the best of both worlds by dividing the hot pot into two sections, allowing diners to enjoy both spicy and non-spicy options simultaneously. One side typically contains the spicy broth, while the other side contains the non-spicy broth. It caters to groups with varying preferences, providing a versatile dining experience where everyone can find something they enjoy. Meat: * Beef: Niú Ròu (牛肉) * Lamb: Yáng Ròu (羊肉) * Chicken: Jī Ròu (鸡肉) Pork: Zhū Ròu (猪肉) Sausages: Xiāng Cháng (香肠) * Fish / Shrimp/Prawn Balls: Yú Qiú / Xiā Qiú (鱼球 / 虾球) Seafood: - Shrimp: Xiā (虾) - Fish: Yú (鱼) - Shellfish: Háimǔ (海蜇) - Mussels: Gēn Mǔli (蚌肉) - Squid: Yóu Yú (鱿鱼) Vegetables: * Coriander: Xīng Cài (香菜) Potato slices: TǔDòu (土豆) Tomatoes: Fān Qié (番茄) Cucumber: HuángGuā (黄瓜) Bean Sprouts: Dà Suàn (大蒜) Lotus Root: Lián'ǒu (莲藕) Bamboo Shoots: Zhú Sǔn (竹笋) Cabbage: Xīng Cài (白菜) Spinach: Bō Cài (菠菜) Mushrooms: - * Enoki Mushroom (long thin white): Jīn Zhēngū (金针菇) - * Shiitake Mushroom: Xiāng Gū (香菇) - Oyster Mushroom: Mù Ěr (木耳) - Wood Ear Mushroom: Xīng'ěr (杏鲍菇) - King Oyster Mushroom: Xìng Bàogū (杏鲍菇) Tofu: * Iced Tofu: Dòng Dòufu (冻豆腐) * Tofu Skin: Dòu Pí (豆皮) Firm Tofu: Làn Dòufu (蓝豆腐) Silken Tofu: Dòufu Rǔ (豆腐乳) Bean Curd Sheets: Dòu Piàn (豆片) Noodles: * Clear (bean) Noodles: Tāng Fěn (汤粉) Rice Noodles: Mǐ Fěn (米粉) Udon Noodles: Wǔdūn Miàn (乌冬面) Other Ingredients: * Dumplings: JiǎoZi (饺子) Eggs: Jī Dàn (鸡蛋) Fried Dough Sticks: Yóu Tiáo (油条) Sauce Bowl: * Sesame Sauce: Zhī Málà Jiàng (芝麻麻辣酱) Peanut Sauce: Huā Shēng Jiàng (花生酱) Condiments one can add to sauce bowl: * Scallions (chopped spring onions): Cōng Jiàng Yóu (葱酱油) Soy Sauce: Jiàng Yóu (酱油) Vinegar: Cù (醋) Chili Sauce: Làjiāo Jiàng (辣椒酱) Garlic Sauce: Sào Jiàng (臊酱) Sesame Oil: Zhī Yóu (芝麻油) Well known hot pot chains include XiaoBu XiaoBu and HaiDiLao but one can also enjoy many one-off independent restaurants.
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