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A home-made fire pit for cooking
With DianXi XiaoGe ...
Trying some HanFu (traditional dress) in Xi’An
ShaanXi province. With Zina ...
JiuZhaiGou and HuangLong National Park 九寨沟 + 黄龙
In SiChuan province ...
QingHai lake 青海湖 and plateau
With CCTV's Travelogue ...
From treating disease to promoting health – food is the best medicine
Dr. Mark Hyman & Dr. William Li. "I never get tired of saying it: real food heals. Food has the power to prevent and reverse disease, and the more we know about it, the more power we have to curate a targeted diet to help us reach our health goals. The catch is that we have to choose the right foods, the ones that elevate us, and simultaneously ditch the poor-quality ones that harm us. There are powerful compounds in foods— like curcumin, genistein, catechins, lycopene, resveratrol, quercetin — that have medicinal impacts on the body. That’s why I call the grocery store the drug store; we can literally eat our medicine at every meal. My guest this week on The Doctor’s Farmacy, Dr. William Li, is here to tell us all about eating to beat disease and making the idea that food is medicine second nature. You may also be surprised to find out that angiogenesis, or how the body forms blood vessels, is a common denominator in creating optimal health. William Li, MD, is a world-renowned physician, scientist, speaker, and author of Eat to Beat Disease: The New Science of How Your Body Can Heal Itself. He is best known for leading the Angiogenesis Foundation." Bonus film - Can we eat to starve cancer? (Angiogenesis) - Dr. William Li ... Bonus film 2 - more about diet and cancer - Dr. Mark Hyman talks with Dr. Jason Fung ... Bonus film 3 - on cognitive decline and the real causes - Dr. Mark Hyman talks with Dr. Dale Bredesen ... Bonus film 4 - GI health (IBS, etc.) plus the differences between standard and functional medicine - Dr. Hyman talks with Dr. Todd LePine ... Lastly (for now), Dr. William Li discusses the amazing power of plant nutrition and health ...
Planning war on China – part 12
An example of how the western MSM (main stream media) tries to convince you of their lies (hate). The real aim is to destroy the Chinese economy. In reality, it is the viewers who are being coerced / exploited. Mind control is controlling what one 'knows'. Demonisation of the 'other' is the first act of war. All about hegemony - colonialism rebranded as 'freedom and democracy'. With Daniel Dumbrill and Brian Berletic, dissecting what you are supposed to believe ... Because truth is sacred. Ben Norton of the Moderate Rebels on Intersectional Imperialism ...
Autumn in BeiJing : YanQi Lake, HuaiRou
Bonus film - autumn in BeiJing ...
Winter trip to Harbin and the Ice Festival
The Snow and Ice Festival runs mid-January to the end of February, approximately, each year.
Exploring BeiJing 北京
Beautifully filmed in 2012 ...

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