Inside the YuTong bus factory

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No ! - look over here, at this weather balloon ; ) The 'Rules Based 'International' Order' - hmmmmm ...
Russell Brand on the US war plans for Taiwan – DON’T MISS IT
The world wants to be free of Western slavery, and its propaganda and bombs. Even just the far east, think of the hundreds of thousands of bombs dropped on Vietnam, Korea, Laos, Cambodia. The hundreds of military bases encircling China. And the trade war. The West plans the destruction of Taiwan. The West is not going to 'save' Taiwan; it is going to destroy it. The US never has any other country's interest at heart; it is solely about keeping them down, to be merely a slave. It is never about peace; it is only ever about dominion; think 'protection racket'. Don't be fooled again ! A must see ... In China, the people are family. In the West, the people are merely livestock.
How the West tries to blame China for climate change

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