‘I remember you’ – China 中国 tour …

Get up, get up, get up (and go).

With a cool drum and bass mix, and some snazzy editing ...


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A walk in the rain, ChangSha, HuNan province
With Walk East ...
Tiger Leaping Gorge 虎跳峡, YunNan province
There are three trails along this deepest river gorge in the world - lower, middle and upper. The views are amazing and the experience truly unforgettable.
ShaoXing, ZheJiang province
With How To Do? In China ... Bonus films - milk tea tour ... Local coffee trip in ShangHai ...
Something different – Haley Reinhart (music)
Can't help falling in love ... Off the ground ... Radiohead - Creep ... My Baby just cares for me - with Jeff Goldblum ... All about the bass ...
Let life be beautiful … music selection …
Sung by Alu Azhou and the Mountain Wind Group 阿鲁阿卓, 山风组合 生如夏花. Inspired by Stray Birds by famous Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore, 1916 (生如夏花之绚烂,死如秋叶之静美 --飞鸟集, 泰戈尔, 1916). Lyrics and Music by PU Shu (朴树). "In this life, we can not stay so long ..." Plus Song of the Surging Water - title song of the 2015 movie Wolf Totem 汪峰 沧浪之歌(《狼图腾》主题曲). Sung by Wang Feng. Lyrics by WANG Feng (汪峰); music by Adam HUANG (HUANG Yong, 黄勇); with Alianuul (Morin Khuur solo) and NING FangLiang (violin solo). "I am broken, but I love flying ..." 鄧紫棋 G.E.M. - 存在_我是歌手第二季 (2014年1月10日) ‘Your Collar’, a haunting, romantic song from the imperial music of the Han Dynasty ... (Life is like a) Warm Spring with Blooming Flowers 春暖花开 (when I am with you) ... If you can, please support this site with a donation; it really does help us keep going ... Thank you from the BeijingBuzzz team !
Stress and cortisol – a masterclass
Why stress, in many forms, lies behind all our chronic disease states, and what we can do to get back to a healthier life. With Dr. Sten Ekberg ...
Movie time – Yesterday Once More 谁的青春不迷茫 Don’t miss it
It's better to be late than never ... Set in high school, a story of love and friendship. And, above all, honesty; especially being true, to oneself, and others. A truly awesome movie - don't miss it ! Really a lot in this film, no matter if you're way past school days. Builds and builds. And so many life lessons here; you will laugh, and you will cry ... A film about education, music, honesty, astronomy, divorce, cheating, friendship, class, imprisonment, growing up, love, bullying, finance, heartbreak, flight, bikers, radio, Romeo and Juliet, comedy, Beatles, and more. It's a film about - everything. A cast of 20 in a film you'll never forget; a true inspiration. The universe maybe huge, but our world is small. Life is a journey of laughter and tears. A YoYo Yao film ... Starring Bai JingTing, Guo ShuTong, Li HongYi, Wang HeRun, Ding GuanSen and Zhao WenLong. Directed by Yoyo Yao. What are your dreams for the future ?
HongCun, AnHui province
First time in GuangZhou city, GuangDong province – Shev and Dev

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