"Whatever we are doing, we'll say you are doing" (projection); aggression, trade war, etc.
We could have a win-win, but the G7 is only interested in win-lose / hegemony (and they might end up the loser); but most likely it will either be win-win, or we all lose.
G7 : "Us and Them ..."
"Ashes and diamonds -
Foes and friends ...
We are all equal;
In the end" - RW
And all this, from Hiroshima, of all places - devastated by a US atomic bomb dropped on a civilian city, killing over 80% of the people. The US tested two bombs on Japan, the only country to have nuked another. And the slaves bow down (in fear; or some type of psychosis) ...
Since September 2011, the US has killed around 4 million of Earth's people ...