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Why so many people prefer to live in China
Once in China, you won't want to leave. With Part Time Traveller - China ... With BeeRose in China ... With KING KWESI ... With SNIDE ...
China and South-East Asia can rise together
With Angelo Giuliano and Brian Berletic / The New Atlas ... With Jeffrey Sachs ... Oliver Stone on JFK ... Glenn Greenwald talks with Vincent Bevins - the CIA, coups and dictatorships, 'anti-communism'. The threat of a good example - taking care of ALL the people - is a major motivation for a Western elite that desires to retain its extreme privilege ... Bonus film - with The Geopolitics In Conflict Show ... In China, the people are family. In The West, the people are livestock.
The unforgettable Li River 漓江 cruise from GuiLin 桂林 to YangShuo 阳朔
GuangXi province. The four hour Li River cruise from GuiLin to YangShuo passes through spectacular karst peaks scenery, making it one of the top tourist attractions in China. The film also includes views over YangShuo and a short boat trip from FuLi (down river from YangShuo) before sunset. Very beautiful ...
LeShan Giant Buddha 乐山大佛, Mount Emei 峨眉山 Scenic Area
The LeShan Giant Buddha 乐山大佛 is located in SiChuan province and is a 233 foot tall stone statue constructed during the Tang Dynasty. Emei Shan (3,100 meters / 10,200 feet) is one of the four Chinese Buddhist sacred mountains. Emei Shan is UNESCO World Heritage Site (together with the Leshan Giant Buddha) : " area of exceptional cultural significance as it is the place where Buddhism first became established on Chinese territory... The first Buddhist temple in China was built on the summit of Mount Emei in the 1st century CE." Documentaries ...
Something different – cello music
Take time to relax ...
Chinese language : ‘Thank you’ and ‘you’re welcome’
Continuing our visitors' Chinese language guide ...
China’s new 600 kph maglev rail, and what it means for Belt & Road partners
HongCun 宏村 ancient village
HóngCūn is a well preserved 800 year old village in southern AnHui province, near the southwest slope of Mount HuangShan. Award-winning Virtual Reality film ... A trip to HongCun ...
The ancient city of PingYao 平遥, ShanXi province, in Ultra HD / 4K
PingYao lies in ShanXi province, central China, about 700 kilometers (400 miles) southwest of BeiJing and 80 kilometers (50 miles) from the provincial capital TaiYuan.. PingYao is a UNESCO World Heritage Site for being "an exceptionally well-preserved example of a traditional Han Chinese city". PingYao is an exceptionally well-preserved example of a traditional Han Chinese city, founded in the 14th century. This ancient city is renowned for its well-preserved city walls and outlying temples. The city walls were constructed around 1370 and have six barbican gates. The walls are 12 meters high, with a perimeter of 6 kilometers. A 4 meter wide, 4 meter deep moat lies just beyond. There are also 72 watchtowers.

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