Growing up as an Asian in the West – a message for us all

A little outside of our usual type of post, but we think that this is a topic that ripples widely.

Here, some ABCs (American Born Chinese) straight talking from real life experience.

First, a hyper-drive Wei Li, with a little 'bad language', but strong message. Not Chinese, not American, just a regular Jo / Joe ? There's still a message for you / us all.

Be strong, yet without any need to put others down; be totally you while appreciating others. Wei Li nails it.

Never think 'better than others'; think 'best I can be' (no compromise on who you are, no fear, no hate).


Asians are all A+ students, right ?!

Exploring stereotypes and the harm that, often silently, can ensue.

CanWen Xu ...


Olivia Lai ...


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