Geopolitics update – September 2024

With Neutrality Studies and Warwick Powell ...


With BreakThrough News ...


With the Schiller Institute and Larry Wilkerson ...


With Brian Berletic / The New Atlas ...


With Harvey in China ...


With Jason / Living in China ...


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Jalapeno chilli peppers
With LongMeiMei ...
The beautiful waterfalls at DeTian 德天瀑布, GuangXi province
The exceedingly beautiful falls lie on the China - Vietnam border. The largest waterfall is over 200 meters wide and has a drop of more than 70 meters, in three tiers.
ShangHai walk in the Mid-Autumn Festival  江湖集市|外滩集市|上海中秋节
With Wei's Travel ...
YangShuo 阳朔 : bicycle ride, YuLong River raft trip, Karst climbing, and clips from Impression Liu San Jie
Beijing 北京 Swing !
Awesome feel-good dance video ... Locations: The Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the "Bird's Nest" Beijing National Stadium, QianHai - HouHai, the Temple of Heaven, ZhongShan Park and The Place mall. Music:the fantastic Pink Martini - "Wo Yao Ni De Ai  我要你的爱"  (I Want You, To Be My Baby)
YangShuo  阳朔 ! GuangXi province
This beautiful film shows the Li River, YuLong River, bamboo rafting and cruise, plus cycling and hot-air balooning. Plus a few scenes from the outdoor performance Impressions Liu San Jie. 15 minutes in paradise ...
FunFancie goes to the Snow and Ice Festival in Harbin
Hiking the Great Wall of China at JianKou 箭扣, BeiJing
An awesome video - don't miss it ! With ClaireTrips ... Bonus films - ChenJiaPu 陈家沟 'wild' Great Wall ... Hiking the 'wild wall' is technically illegal for conservation reasons, and safety concerns. However, permits are available. It is recommended to go with a guide; 'dangerous' is not hype in places like JianKou - be careful - don't go alone, take your time, have a mobile and water with you, etc.
ShangHai night walk – including seasonal lights
Bonus film - QingDao (a port city south east of BeiJing) ... Bonus film 2 - TianJin (a port city a little to the east of BeiJing) at Christmas ... Bonus film 3 - MiuMiu Guitar girl ...

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