Geopolitics update, August 2024 (4)

With Ben Norton and Brian Becker ...


With Vijay Prashad and Geopolitics Demystified ...


With Aaron Good ...


With Inside China Business ...

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With Yanis Varoufakis ...


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Walking the snow and ice city, Harbin, HeiLongJiang province
With Seiu Travel ...
Rock climbing in YangShuo 阳朔
GuangXi province
Planning war on China – part 26
14th January 2022. Meanwhile ...
Breakfast in WuHan, HuBei province  : )
With How To Do? In China ... Bonus film - my 9-5 work day, back home in NingBo ...
XingYi, scenic area, GuiZhou
Planning war on China – part 39 – the very last part – so don’t miss it
With Brian Berletic, Ben Norton, Aaron Mate, DDN, George Galloway ... * A comment from the dEVIL : "In the West, I have freedom - to do whatever I feel like. Wherever big money and privilege rule, I can trample and destroy whoever I like; and fool you however I wish ! So easy : ) Resist me, and you are my projection (the 'evil one' - lol; you're just trash). I am me, the greatest and noblest, and you are my slave, er, 'equal' (trust me); but I am your master, well, I am superior; I am the Ministry of Truth. I control everything you know. Just believe. Don't mess with reality when I can protect you with my fantasies." * ** Reply to dEVIL : You are nothing but a fake memory. On awakening, you are gone. The dEVIL has no clothes. ~~~ Save this link - before it disappears, in the name of free speech ; ) ~~~ : It is not about 'me'; it is about 'we'. That is oneness; i.e. love. : Only fear keeps us separate. : Love is the absence of fear. MEANWHILE (back in the civilized world) : The ShangHai metro ... SanLiTun night walk, BeiJing ... The 'China threat' - the 'threat' of a good example - a better path, better life. : In China, the people are family; and the people of the world are all family. : In the West, the 'people', are merely livestock to an elite. Final thought : in this series of posts we have looked at many places around the globe, yet hopefully it is clear by now that it all is part of a master plan to subjugate China. And all of Asia / the 'South'. And you, wherever you are. A tiny, tiny minority subjugating the people of Earth, suffocating their development and well-being; their joy and happiness and dreams. Wish this to be the last in the series. Let's see. UPDATE : Yes, part 39 will be the last. But your favorite voices will continue in a new page called Geopolitics, similar to Expat Voices (to be renamed Travel Voices). Brian, Ben, Angelo, Daniel ... will all be there; auto-updated. Here soon ... (It was actually planned months ago, that's why the geopolitics people disappeared from the Expat Voices page - to move to a new page, but till now has not been constructed. But it will be now - BB has said all we can say and wish to concentrate on travel and culture hence). We also want to say a thank you to the contributors for all their hard work and suggest that if you can do support their invaluable input. Let's hope there is a tomorrow - see you then.
The US Chip War on China – update April 2024
With Inside China Business ...
Memories of the ShangHai 上海 World Expo 2010 (8)
1. Shanghai pavilion 2. State Grid (light show) 3. Russia 4. Asia and Americas 5. Europe 6. Europe and Africa 7. Human Footprint (history and ecology) 8. Food Street 9,10,11 Dance and music (including Tunisia, XinJiang and Inner Mongolia) 12. China pavilion and overview
A trip to JuYongGuan 居庸关 Great Wall – video
This section of the Great Wall of China is the closest to BeiJing city.

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