Fun trip to HaiNan 海南 and YunNan 云南 provinces

University exchange to SanYa University 三亚 大学 (SānYà DàXué), HaiNan, plus a trip to south YunNan ...

HaiNan map
YunNan map

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BeiJing 北京 and ShangHai 上海 – winter trip
China in the snow; all in just 3 minutes ... Bonus film ...
Planning war on China – part 24
Neither Russia nor China are warmongers, neither seek some kind of world domination, only protection; hegemony is very much only a fantasy of the West (the neo-feudal elites, not the people). If either did not assist the other in time of war, they would go down soon after. Russia has the nukes, China has the manpower and manufacturing. Only together can they withstand the imminent war. On Roosevelt's notion of economic freedom - with The Gravel Institute ... Meanwhile ...
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*** Seasons greetings from BeijingBuzzz – 2023 / 2024 ***
Keep warm; share the love; and see you in 2024 ! Featuring guests from Korea and the UK. Traditional Chinese music flash mob; BeiJing - China together for the coming New Year - many favorite traditional songs, at the New World Trade Center Mall in Beijing ... Bonus film - the XiaMen City Singers - Mr Q ... Bonus film 2 - The Barberettes (from Korea; a la the Ronettes) - Be My Baby ... Rock guitar goddess – YO YO (PinXi Liu) ... JoySide with MiuMiu - DongDongDong / Can You Feel My Love ... Angela Chang - A Diao 阿刁 ... G.E.M. ... DaiingTana and HAYA Band ... A little but awesome busking from Taiwan island ... 'Big Fish' 大鱼, from the awesome film 'Big Fish and Begonia' ...
Summer in BeiJing 北京
Despite its northern location, Beijing, the blue sky city, is one of the sunniest places in China and, in summer, also one of the hottest. Although around 1,000 miles north of Shanghai, and some 2,000 miles north of Hong Kong and tropical Hainan, Beijing is hotter through the summer months (mid-may to mid-September). Generally a dry heat, tropical thunderstorms can appear on occasion, and with night time temperatures in the 70s you'll be dancing in the rain ;) Excursion ideas : the in-the-mountains Buddhist temples of JieTaiSi and TanZheSi (bus, from the western end of metro line 1), the coastal city of TianJin (train), the beach at BeiDaiHe (train) and the nearby eastern end of the Great Wall (QinHuangDao), the imperial summer resort of ChengDe (combine with a visit to Simatai / JinShanLing Great Wall; coach or train), LongQing Gorge (LongQing Xia), the Spirit Way and general countryside at the Ming Tombs. TianJin can be a day trip as it is connected by high-speed rail, but two days would be great too. For ChengDe or BeiDaiHe, two or three days is best. Remember to take your passport in order to check in to a hotel. Or (more locally) visit the beach / pool at ChaoYang Park. Also, consider the Summer Palace (YiHeYuan), YuanMingYuan (the 'old' / original Summer Palace), BeiHai and JingShan Parks, the Ethic Culture Park (MinZu), the Olympic Forest Park, and these places in the Western Hills: XiangShan Park, Beijing Botanical Garden, BaDaChu (Eight Great (Buddhist) Sites area).
Around YangShuo 阳朔, GuangXi province
A trip to ZhangJiaJie 张家界, HuNan province
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KunMing 昆明, provincial capital of YunNan
Starting with a beautiful timelapse ... Followed by a look around the city, including Green Lake.

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