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Beautiful Mount EMei (EMeiShan 峨眉山) from the air
The first Buddhist temple in China was constructed here in SiChuan province in the 1st century A.D. The addition of other temples has turned Éméi Shān into one of Buddhism's holiest sites and is one of the four sacred Buddhist mountains of China. All in all, there are now seventy six Buddhist temples and monasteries, most of them located near the mountain top. The first two films focus on the most well-known - the Golden Summit and the 48 meters tall statue of Samantabhadra, known in Mandarin as PǔXián PúSà 普賢菩薩.
A drive through the city skyline of ShangHai 上海
In the late afternoon ...
Bliss – Afterlife – awesome music album – don’t miss it
Including : If heaven closes; Long life, my friend; When the morning comes : and much more. One of the best music albums ever ... Support Bliss by buying their albums ...
ChongZuo and DeTian waterfalls GuangXi province
With Walk East ...
The West’s neocon war for hegemony (world domination)
With Garland Nixon ...
Mountain biking, roller-blading and snow-boarding in BeiJing 北京
Solitude (philosophy)
Beijing 北京 trip – places, food, fashion and more …
Mostly food ; ) The Forbidden City (Palace Museum) and more in this China travel and culture vlog. A masterclass of video editing and use of music. A vlog that is 'show, don't tell'. A trip around the sights and tastes of BeiJing, China. With Dear Nessie (and Hannah) ... Bonus film look-book ...
ChongQing 重庆 night views …

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