Dancing underwater 大鱼

From the wonderful film Big Fish and Begonia ...


Canon in D|electric rock guitar|8th birthday ...


See you again ...

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6 years old bossa nova - Fly Me to the Moon ...


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China in numbers (2020)
1. 1.4 billion - China's population, making it the most populous country in the world. 2. 23 - The number of provinces in China. 3. 56 - The number of recognized ethnic groups in China. 4. 9,596,960 square kilometers - China's total land area. 5. 1949 - The year the People's Republic of China was founded. 6. 70 - The percentage of the world's total silk production that comes from China. 7. 2,000 - The approximate number of years the Great Wall of China has been in existence. 8. 1971 - The year when China was admitted to the United Nations. 9. 34 - The number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in China. 10. 4,000 - The years of recorded history in China. 11. 3.7 million square kilometers - The area covered by China's desert, the Gobi Desert. 12. 88 - The number considered lucky in Chinese culture. 13. 40,000 - The length of China's high-speed railway network in kilometers. 14. 1.4 trillion - The approximate number of disposable chopsticks used in China each year. 15. 4 - The number of official Chinese characters on the national flag. 16. 2nd - China's rank in the world for the largest economy. 17. 2008 - The year Beijing hosted the Summer Olympics. 18. 7 - The number of consecutive years China has been the world's largest exporter. 19. 1.4 billion - The number of mobile phone users in China. 20. 60 million - The approximate number of empty homes in China. 21. 40,000 - The approximate number of characters in the Chinese language. 22. 1,411 meters - The height of the Shanghai Tower, the second-tallest building in the world. 23. 8.98 million - The size, in square kilometers, of the Tibetan Plateau, often called the "Roof of the World." 24. 800 million - The number of internet users in China. 25. 50,000 - The number of rivers in China, each with a basin exceeding 100 square kilometers. 26. 300 million - The number of Chinese people practicing Buddhism. 27. 20 million - The number of Chinese Muslims. 28. 64 - The average life expectancy in China. 29. 45 - The percentage of China's population living in urban areas. 30. 1.39 billion - The number of active social media users in China. 31. 7,546 - The length, in kilometers, of the Grand Canal, the world's longest artificial waterway. 32. 15 million - The number of babies born in China each year. 33. 37 - The number of UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage items in China. 34. 2003 - The year China became the third country to launch a manned space mission. 35. 2.3 million - The size, in square kilometers, of the Taklamakan Desert, China's largest desert. 36. 12,000 - The number of terracotta warriors buried with China's first emperor, Qin Shi Huang. 37. 520 - A term in Chinese internet culture representing "I love you." 38. 100 million - The number of tourists who visit the Great Wall of China annually. 39. 2 - The number of pandas given as gifts by China to foreign countries as goodwill ambassadors. 40. 65 - The percentage of the world's total production of solar panels that comes from China. 41. 2,300 - The length, in kilometers, of the Yangtze River, China's longest river. 42. 1 - The number of children per couple allowed under China's one-child policy (recently replaced by a two-child policy). 43. 7 - The number of Chinese astronauts who have been in space. 44. 200 million - The number of bicycles in China. 45. 5,000 - The number of years tea has been consumed in China. 46. 300 - The number of TV channels in China. 47. 1.1 billion - The number of Chinese people who watch the annual CCTV Spring Festival Gala. 48. 221 BC - The year Qin Shi Huang unified China and became the first emperor. 49. 4 million - The number of college graduates in China each year. 50. 5 - The number of autonomous regions in China. 51. 3,300 - The length, in kilometers, of the Yellow River, China's second-longest river. 52. 49 - The percentage of the world's total coal consumption that comes from China. 53. 16,000 - The length, in kilometers, of the Great Wall of China, including all of its branches. 54. 1949 - The year when the Chinese currency, the Renminbi (RMB), was introduced. 55. 2.5 million - The number of electric vehicles sold in China in 2020. 56. 2,200 - The length, in kilometers, of the Mekong River, which originates in China. 57. 22 - The number of provinces, regions, and municipalities directly under the central government. 58. 150 million - The number of square meters of new construction added daily in China. 59. 8,848 meters - The height of Mount Everest, which straddles the border between China and Nepal. 60. 1966-1976 - The years of the Cultural Revolution in China. 61. 80 - The percentage of the world's total rare earth elements produced by China. 62. 8 - The number of major Chinese cuisines, including Sichuan, Cantonese, and Shandong. 63. 1.4 billion - The number of people covered by China's national health insurance. 64. 2 - The number of sessions of the National People's Congress held each year. 65. 1980 - The year China implemented its one-child policy. 66. 7 - The number of national holidays in China. 67. 80 million - The number of people who visit the Forbidden City in Beijing annually. 68. 5 trillion - The total value, in U.S. dollars, of China's foreign exchange reserves. 69. 1,417 meters - The depth of the South China Sea, China's marginal sea. 70. 10 - The number of Renminbi (RMB) denominations, including the yuan and jiao. 71. 26 million - The number of university students in China. 72. 9 - The number of dragon's pearls on the Chinese national flag. 73. 1,100 - The number of Giant Pandas remaining in the wild. 74. 25 - The percentage of the world's total steel production that comes from China. 75. 3,300 - The number of characters in a standard Chinese dictionary. 76. 1978 - The year China began economic reforms under Deng Xiaoping. 77. 2 million - The number of people employed in the Chinese military, the largest in the world. 78. 40 - The percentage of global e-commerce transactions that take place in China. 79. 7.6 million - The length, in kilometers, of China's highway system. 80. 35 - The percentage of the world's total cotton production that comes from China. 81. 700 million - The number of Chinese people lifted out of poverty since economic reforms began. 82. 9,144 kilometers - The length of China's land borders. 83. 600 BC - The approximate date of the earliest recorded Chinese characters. 84. 10 - The number of years it took to build the Bird's Nest Stadium for the 2008 Olympics. 85. 20 - The percentage of the world's total energy consumption that comes from China. 86. 1971 - The year when ping pong diplomacy improved relations between China and the United States. 87. 2 - The number of pandas sent to the U.S. as a result of ping pong diplomacy. 88. 70 - The percentage of the world's total solar water heater capacity installed in China. 89. 2,213 meters - The height of Mount Lushan, China's most famous mountain. 90. 200 million - The number of Chinese tourists who travel abroad each year. 91. 1969 - The year China successfully tested its first nuclear bomb. 92. 2,000 - The number of years the Chinese have been drinking tea. 93. 4 million - The number of square kilometers of arable land in China. 94. 10 million - The number of university graduates in China each year. 95. 120 - The number of years the Qing Dynasty ruled China (1644-1912). 96. 30 - The number of world heritage sites in China. 97. 100 - The percentage of electric buses in Shenzhen, the first city in the world to achieve this. 98. 1949 - The year China adopted the "five-star" national flag. 99. 70 million - The number of Chinese households that play Mahjong regularly. 100. 80 - The percentage of global Bitcoin mining that takes place in China.
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