Chinese Cloisonné 景泰蓝 (JǐngTàiLán)

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This is FuZhou, FuJian province
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ShangHai 上海 night rider – video
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Movie time – Yesterday Once More 谁的青春不迷茫 Don’t miss it
It's better to be late than never ... Set in high school, a story of love and friendship. And, above all, honesty; especially being true, to oneself, and others. A truly awesome movie - don't miss it ! Really a lot in this film, no matter if you're way past school days. Builds and builds. And so many life lessons here; you will laugh, and you will cry ... A film about education, music, honesty, astronomy, divorce, cheating, friendship, class, imprisonment, growing up, love, bullying, finance, heartbreak, flight, bikers, radio, Romeo and Juliet, comedy, Beatles, and more. It's a film about - everything. A cast of 20 in a film you'll never forget; a true inspiration. The universe maybe huge, but our world is small. Life is a journey of laughter and tears. A YoYo Yao film ... Starring Bai JingTing, Guo ShuTong, Li HongYi, Wang HeRun, Ding GuanSen and Zhao WenLong. Directed by Yoyo Yao. What are your dreams for the future ?
This is LiJiang 丽江 old town …
The ancient town of LiJiang, in YunNan province, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, with over 800 years of history. It was an important hub of the South Silk Road, along which many items were traded, including tea. It is home to the NaXi ethnic minority. LiJiang has lots of boutique hotels and cosy hostels in traditional architecture. The town, with its cobbled streets, streams and bridges, features many crafts (embroidery, silverware, drums and more) plus a wide variety of street snacks and restaurants.
A visual guide to QuanZhou 泉州, FuJian province
QuanZhou was once one of China's major ports for foreign traders. It was visited by Marco Polo who praised it as one of the most prosperous and glorious cities in the world. As its harbor is not suitable for larger ships, its significance as a port has reduced but retains abundant cultural heritage.
Guilin 桂林 YuLong River – boating and bamboo rafting
Relax on peaceful rides along beautiful winding rivers through lush vegetation and karst peaks. GuangXi province, south China.
A trip to ‘The Place’, BeiJing 北京
The Place is a shopping and leisure center in the north of the CBD district. Take a late evening ride from GuoMao along the east 3rd ring; DaWang Lu to YongAnLi.
Ken Hammond on China’s history and geopolitics
With David Oualaalou ...
China’s new 600 kph maglev rail, and what it means for Belt & Road partners

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