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A selection of beautiful Buddhist songs / music
Buddha Said | Great Compassion Mantra | Sweep of our minds | Heart Sutra | Zen Charm | Prayer for the earthquake in Ya'An (2013). Enter the chill out zone ...
How the US tried to undermine Hong Kong (and thereby China)
Divide and rule. Distract and rule. With RT America ... Bonus film - on the World Bank and IMF - The Moderate Rebels with Michael Hudson ...
Real food vs fake food – real health vs symptom management (10 videos)
ShangHai 上海 city
Filmed in winter 2011 / 2012
Reality (philosophy, Alan Watts)
When a mind is like a mirror, it sees everything, and holds onto nothing. Chuang-Tzu : '... mind as a mirror; it grasps nothing; it refuses nothing; it receives, but does not keep.' The wisdom of the eloquent Alan Watts (1915 - 1973) - the insights behind both Taoism and Buddhism ...
The Chinese classical gardens of SuZhou
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Beautiful moments in GuiLin 桂林
GuangXi province, south China ...
The awesome daily ShenZhen city light show
With JM WORLD ... YT comment : sarakelly3607 : Now I understand why US is SO jealous of China.
Something different – the big perspective
With Big Think ...

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