Blondie in LanZhou, capital city of GanSu province – food adventure

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Welcome to LanZhou City


LanZhou is the capital city of GanSu Province, located in the northwestern part of China. Known as a key hub along the ancient Silk Road, LanZhou is a city rich in history and culture. The city is famous for its stunning landscapes, including the Yellow River that flows through its heart, and its unique blend of modern and traditional Chinese culture.


LanZhou has a history that dates back over 2,000 years. It was an important stop on the Silk Road, serving as a gateway between China and Central Asia. Throughout its history, LanZhou has been a melting pot of cultures, influenced by the various ethnic groups and traders who passed through the region. The city has maintained its historical significance while developing into a modern urban center.

Top Attractions

Zhongshan Bridge (Yellow River Iron Bridge)

The Zhongshan Bridge, also known as the Yellow River Iron Bridge, is one of LanZhou’s most iconic landmarks. Built in 1907, it was the first permanent bridge to span the Yellow River. The bridge offers stunning views of the river and the surrounding mountains and is a popular spot for both tourists and locals.

Baita Mountain Park

Baita Mountain Park is located on the northern bank of the Yellow River. The park is named after the White Pagoda (Baita), which stands atop the mountain and dates back to the Yuan Dynasty. The park offers beautiful landscapes, ancient temples, and panoramic views of the city and the Yellow River.

Waterwheel Garden

The Waterwheel Garden is a unique attraction that showcases the traditional waterwheels used along the Yellow River for irrigation. The garden features several large waterwheels, some of which are functional and demonstrate how they were used historically. It’s a great place to learn about the agricultural history of the region.

Gansu Provincial Museum

The Gansu Provincial Museum is one of the most important cultural institutions in LanZhou. The museum houses a vast collection of artifacts, including ancient Silk Road treasures, fossils, and exhibits on the history and culture of GanSu Province. Highlights include the famous bronze Galloping Horse Treading on a Flying Swallow statue.

Five Springs Mountain Park

Five Springs Mountain Park is a scenic area located in the southern part of LanZhou. The park is famous for its natural springs, beautiful gardens, and ancient temples. Visitors can enjoy hiking trails, visit the various temples, and take in the peaceful surroundings.

Binhe Park

Binhe Park is a riverside park that stretches along the banks of the Yellow River. The park features walking paths, gardens, and pavilions, making it a popular spot for leisurely strolls and enjoying the river views. The park is especially beautiful in the evening when the lights illuminate the riverbanks.

Nearby Attractions

Bingling Temple Grottoes

Bingling Temple Grottoes, located about 80 kilometers from LanZhou, is a stunning site featuring ancient Buddhist cave carvings and statues. The grottoes date back to the Western Jin Dynasty and are set in a dramatic cliffside along the Yellow River. Visitors can take a boat ride to reach the grottoes and explore the intricate carvings and murals.

Majiayao Cultural Site

The Majiayao Cultural Site, about 100 kilometers from LanZhou, is an archaeological site where some of the earliest examples of painted pottery in China were discovered. The site offers insights into the Neolithic cultures that once thrived in the region. A small museum on-site displays artifacts and provides historical context.

Liujiaxia Reservoir

Liujiaxia Reservoir, located about 70 kilometers from LanZhou, is a large artificial lake surrounded by scenic landscapes. The reservoir is a popular spot for boating, fishing, and enjoying the natural beauty of the area. It also serves as the gateway to the Bingling Temple Grottoes.

Yuzhong County

Yuzhong County, located to the southeast of LanZhou, is known for its picturesque landscapes, traditional villages, and cultural sites. The county is home to several Taoist and Buddhist temples, as well as beautiful mountain scenery, making it an ideal destination for those looking to explore the countryside around LanZhou.

Local Cuisine

LanZhou is famous for its hearty and flavorful cuisine, which reflects the region’s diverse cultural influences. The city is best known for LanZhou Beef Noodles (LanZhou Lamian), a beloved dish made with hand-pulled noodles, tender beef slices, and a rich broth. Another local specialty is Yellow River Carp, typically prepared in a variety of flavorful sauces. Street food is also popular, with vendors offering snacks like grilled lamb skewers, steamed buns, and sweet pastries.

Visitor Tips

  • Best Time to Visit: The best time to visit LanZhou is during spring (April to June) and autumn (September to October) when the weather is mild and the landscapes are at their most beautiful.
  • Getting There: LanZhou is well-connected by air through LanZhou Zhongchuan International Airport. The city is also a major hub on the high-speed rail network, with connections to cities like Beijing, Xi’an, and Urumqi.
  • Language: Mandarin is the primary language spoken in LanZhou. English is not widely spoken, so it’s helpful to know some basic Mandarin phrases or have a translation app handy.
  • Etiquette: When visiting religious sites, dress modestly and be respectful of local customs. It’s also customary to remove your shoes before entering certain temples.

Chinese cuisine is an intricate tapestry of flavors, techniques, and regional specialties that has evolved over thousands of years. From the fiery spices of Sichuan to the delicate dim sum of Cantonese cuisine, every region of China offers its own culinary delights. For visitors to China, exploring the diverse and dynamic world of Chinese food is an essential part of experiencing the country's rich cultural heritage. Here's a more extensive exploration of Chinese cuisine for visitors:

Regional Diversity:
Sichuan Cuisine: Hailing from the southwestern province of Sichuan, this cuisine is famed for its bold, spicy, and numbing flavors. Sichuan peppercorns, chili peppers, and aromatic spices are used liberally in dishes like Mapo Tofu, Dan Dan Noodles, and Sichuan Hot Pot, creating a symphony of flavors that tingles the taste buds.

Cantonese Cuisine: With its emphasis on fresh ingredients and delicate flavors, Cantonese cuisine is highly regarded for its seafood dishes, roasted meats, and dim sum. Steamed fish, Char Siu (barbecue pork), and Har Gow (shrimp dumplings) are just a few examples of the exquisite dishes that showcase Cantonese culinary mastery.

Shanghai Cuisine: Reflecting its coastal location and cosmopolitan history, Shanghai cuisine combines influences from Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui provinces. Sweet and Sour Mandarin Fish, Shanghai Soup Dumplings (Xiaolongbao), and Drunken Chicken are some of the signature dishes that highlight the diverse flavors and textures of this culinary tradition.

Beijing Cuisine: As the capital of China, Beijing boasts a rich culinary heritage deeply rooted in imperial traditions. Peking Duck, a dish with crispy skin and succulent meat served with pancakes and hoisin sauce, is a quintessential Beijing delicacy. Other notable dishes include Zhajiangmian (Beijing Noodles), Mongolian Hot Pot, and Beijing-style meat pies.

Hunan Cuisine: Known for its bold and aromatic flavors, Hunan cuisine features dishes that are spicy, sour, and intensely flavorful. Chairman Mao's Red-Braised Pork, Dong'an Chicken, and Steamed Fish Head with Chopped Chili exemplify the fiery and robust nature of Hunanese cooking, which makes ample use of chili peppers, garlic, and fermented ingredients.

Street Food and Snacks:
Jianbing: This savory Chinese crepe is a popular breakfast option, consisting of a thin pancake filled with eggs, scallions, cilantro, and various fillings such as crispy fried dough, pickled vegetables, or chili sauce.

Baozi: These steamed buns are filled with a variety of savory or sweet fillings, including pork, vegetables, or red bean paste. Baozi are a popular street food snack and can be found in teahouses, markets, and street stalls across China.

Roujiamo: Often referred to as Chinese Hamburgers, roujiamo features savory braised meat stuffed inside a flatbread, offering a hearty and flavorful snack that's perfect for on-the-go eating.

Dining Etiquette and Customs:
Family-Style Dining: Chinese meals are typically served family-style, with multiple dishes shared among diners seated around a table. It's customary to use chopsticks to pick up food from communal dishes and to serve elders before oneself.

Toasting and Ganbei: When dining with Chinese hosts, expect toasts (ganbei) with alcohol, usually baijiu (Chinese liquor). It's polite to reciprocate the toast and drink in moderation, but declining politely is acceptable if you don't drink alcohol.

Tea Culture: Tea is an integral part of Chinese dining culture, with a wide variety of teas available to complement different dishes. Green tea, oolong tea, and pu'er tea are among the most popular choices, and serving tea to guests is a sign of hospitality and respect.

Street Markets and Night Markets:
Wangfujing Snack Street, Beijing: Located near the Forbidden City, this bustling street market offers a wide variety of traditional snacks, street food, and local delicacies. Visitors can sample everything from scorpions on a stick to traditional Beijing snacks like Jianbing and Tanghulu (candied fruit skewers).

Shanghai Old Street, Shanghai: Nestled in the heart of the city's historic district, Shanghai Old Street is a bustling marketplace where visitors can explore narrow alleyways lined with traditional shops, street vendors, and food stalls. From steamed dumplings and stinky tofu to hand-pulled noodles and sugar-coated haws, there's something to satisfy every craving.

Dietary Considerations:
Vegetarian and Vegan Options: While Chinese cuisine traditionally features a wide range of meats and animal products, vegetarian and vegan options are becoming increasingly available, especially in larger cities and tourist destinations. Buddhist restaurants (????, ssh c?nt?ng) often offer meat-free versions of classic dishes, and plant-based ingredients like tofu, mushrooms, and seasonal vegetables are widely used in Chinese cooking.

Exploring the diverse and delicious world of Chinese cuisine is an essential part of any visit to China. From regional specialties and street food snacks to dining etiquette and cultural customs, the culinary landscape of China offers a rich tapestry of flavors, traditions, and experiences that are sure to delight and inspire visitors from around the world. Bon apptit!.

GanSu map

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