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Life lessons from Confucius (philosophy)
Harmony vs discord – how China and the US are distinct
In China the people are family. In the West, the people are livestock. -- Why 'livestock' ? Because in an 'individualistic' society (rather than a communal one), the government will be composed of the elite and above the people (employ divide and rule, and keep the people in dreams and poverty). Bonus film - with Willene Business & Lifestyle ... Why China is the future while the West is stuck in (and trying to preserve) the past. Bonus film - with Jason / Living in China - the suspended monorail in WuHan ... With Jerry's Take on China ...
More on the Nord Stream pipeline terrorist attack
No ! - look over here, at this weather balloon ; ) The 'Rules Based 'International' Order' - hmmmmm ...
Chinese New Year eve fireworks !
Gong Xi Ni. Gong Xi Fa Chai :) A happy Spring Festival week to all our visitors, from the BeijingBuzzz team. Videos from Beijing. Enjoy ...
Real democracy – government by, for, and of the people
The true measure is : does the government work for the people, or vice versa. Is it a sham / illusion / deception 'democracy' - elections, where one is forced to choose between elite factions, that are basically the same ideology? 'Pick a card, any card ...' Or is there a better way based on merit and that is bottom up - a system that truly responds to, and cares for, the people? With Jerry's Take on China ... In China, the people are family. In the West, the people are livestock. -- Recently, out of the hundreds of countries in the world, three decided to suicide, to serve their puppet masters : the Philippines, Argentina and Italy. Will Taiwan (not a country) be next? Are they Chinese or just fodder on a US missile base ??? -- China has defended itself (hence the Great Wall), but never been expansionist ... YT comment : George-rj4fj : "They who point fingers at China, failed to notice the huge expansionism of the Euro-Caucasians throughout the world so that some 2/3 of the world speaks not only English and Spanish but have also been forced into adopting Western cultures, religion, history and clothing. Talk about "cultural genocide"! They who accuses China of "expansionism" are also ignorant of history. Mongolia and Manchuria became part of China not from Chinese Han expansionism of conquest but because China was conquered by the Mongols and the Manchus and became part of THEIR empires. So too did Tibet when it ran wars into China in an expanding of the Tibetan Empire - and was defeated and absorbed in turn. Chinese culture is an amalgamation of all the different cultures that were absorbed into the greater Chinese diaspora. They who do not know history and are content in creating their own versions from western propaganda make themselves foolish by opening their mouths on topical subjects that they have absolutely no idea about." Bonus film - Jerry Grey in conversation with Ben Norton ... With Reports on China ...
To live, you must first die (psychology / philosophy)
To be free, is to be off the time-lapse trajectory of the past into the future. This means to stop rationalizing and die to the past - only then one can truly live in the present moment. The past is still the past, but one is no longer its hostage. What stands in the way of a true life is - you - that is, the past, that one thinks of as 'me' (a mush of programming and fantasies - the noise that precludes clarity). The truth is simple; but it is not easy. One must be aware of one's thoughts and see them not as you but as relics; to see these thoughts as what they really are and not be ruled by them. The first, and crucial, step is to see how one has been hijacked by the past. To be free, is to be free of the past. Truth is not about believing, or 'knowing', a bunch of concepts; truth is being real. At BB, we can recommend Alan Watts, Jiddu Krishnamurti and Gabor Mate as sincere and wise voices to explore this more; though there are many others, these are straight talkers (some of their talks are featured here). The thing is - the guide is not the truth, it is only a guide; never trust in or believe a guide as though it is the truth - either you simply believe this or that, or you are true. Don't be an addict - to a belief. Don't be an addict to your past and ego. 10,000 years and 100,000 books of philosophy distilled into a few sentences. Once out of the prison of the past, everything else becomes clear. Kyle Cease talks with Tom Bilyeu ... Bonus film - with Jiddu Krishnamurti ... Bonus film 2 - with Alan Watts ...
Spring in WuHan city, HuBei province
With Walk East ...
A five-day hike along the wild Great Wall 长城
A trek along the beautiful 'wild wall' near BeiJing ...
YiWu 义乌, ZheJiang province – the world’s largest wholesale market

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