Beautiful JingXi 靖西, GuangXi province

Near the border with Vietnam.

GuangXi map

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Around SuQian 宿迁, JiangSu province
SuQian is a city with a cultural history of 2,500 years. The earliest use of the name was in 762 A.D. during the Tang Dynasty. The city is located on the North JiangSu Plain, with a highest elevation of 71 m over sea level and the lowest 2.8 m only. The elevation is gradually reduces along northwest to southeast. SuQian is abundant in water resources and the water surface area is close one third of its total land mass. There are two freshwater lakes in SuQian, Lake HongZe, which is one of the four largest freshwater lakes in China, and Lake LuoMa. Four rivers run through the city, including the the Grand Canal. Agriculture, including aquatic produce, accounts for about 25% of the area's economy. The population is around 5 million. Attractions include : * LuoMa Lake Scenic Area: Situated in the northwest of the city, it covers a total area of 375 square kilometers (145 square miles), dotted by many natural scenic spots and historical sites. * QianLong Temporary Palace: Named after the esteemed Qing dynasty emperor, this is a well-preserved building complex on the south bank of LuoMa Lake. It was first built around 1684. * ZhangShan Forest Park: 7 kilometers (4.3 miles) north of the city, the park has a beautiful mix of mountain and water landscapes.
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Last post of 2021
Each year, we up the quality. At BB, it's always about quality, not quantity. Variety, certainly, but not quantity. Last videos of 2021 - with PopMatta ... One needs to look out for Serpent / Laowai v.2, and not get duped; see through the disguises (devil dressed as a dove); it is for sure that they are out there ... Geo-politics is a mine-field. Be aware of it; but don't let it dull your mind. Let love, creativity and calm be the air that you breathe. The world is doomed to destruction; the vast majority do indeed vastly outnumber the zealots, but in the West, though the people are by and large brainwashed, for sure, most will ever be too dumb to realize it. Plus, western culture has bred a large proportion of narcissists, devoid of empathy and compassion. Extreme individualism ensures ultimate catastrophe. Once extinction becomes possible, it becomes inevitable. The power of annihilation grows much faster than general IQ/EQ; hence the 'great silence' in the universe. While the Earth is still here, live life to the fullest, each remaining day. The tragedy will play out over and over for eternity; don't waste much time on thinking about it. *** All one needs to know is ... We are all one family; but some in the West just want division, control and power - and that's not family - that's hate; 'divide and rule' (elitism / colonialism / imperialism / hegemony). The difference between China and the West ? It is simply, and profoundly, this : For China, the people are family. For the West, the people are livestock. For China, the people are family; not just Chinese, but all people. For the West (the 'elite'), the people are merely livestock. All the best for the year ahead, from BeiJingBuzzz. Keep it real. Live more ...
Planning war on China – part 16
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From treating disease to promoting health – food is the best medicine
Dr. Mark Hyman & Dr. William Li. "I never get tired of saying it: real food heals. Food has the power to prevent and reverse disease, and the more we know about it, the more power we have to curate a targeted diet to help us reach our health goals. The catch is that we have to choose the right foods, the ones that elevate us, and simultaneously ditch the poor-quality ones that harm us. There are powerful compounds in foods— like curcumin, genistein, catechins, lycopene, resveratrol, quercetin — that have medicinal impacts on the body. That’s why I call the grocery store the drug store; we can literally eat our medicine at every meal. My guest this week on The Doctor’s Farmacy, Dr. William Li, is here to tell us all about eating to beat disease and making the idea that food is medicine second nature. You may also be surprised to find out that angiogenesis, or how the body forms blood vessels, is a common denominator in creating optimal health. William Li, MD, is a world-renowned physician, scientist, speaker, and author of Eat to Beat Disease: The New Science of How Your Body Can Heal Itself. He is best known for leading the Angiogenesis Foundation." Bonus film - Can we eat to starve cancer? (Angiogenesis) - Dr. William Li ... Bonus film 2 - more about diet and cancer - Dr. Mark Hyman talks with Dr. Jason Fung ... Bonus film 3 - on cognitive decline and the real causes - Dr. Mark Hyman talks with Dr. Dale Bredesen ... Bonus film 4 - GI health (IBS, etc.) plus the differences between standard and functional medicine - Dr. Hyman talks with Dr. Todd LePine ... Lastly (for now), Dr. William Li discusses the amazing power of plant nutrition and health ...

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