Beautiful JingXi 靖西, GuangXi province

Near the border with Vietnam.

GuangXi map

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Confucius – wisdom that is ageless
Planning war on China – part 23 – Angelo and Brian – 2021 to 2022 – don’t miss it
Geo-politics - 2021 review, and what might be in 2022. With The New Atlas - Angelo Giuliano and Brian Berletic ... Anything one hears on MSM, or social media, is probably BS. Real freedom is when there is a pause between propaganda and reaction - when one stops to first think (am I being duped?) ... Keep being real and sane is this crazy world. The world is full of richness. But insanely imbalanced in distribution. That's the reality, so long as the many are duped into believing that that is how it should be ! Into 2022, cherish what you have and love all around you. Always be above division and manipulation. In China, the people are family. In the West, the people are livestock. While China acts to build a better world, the West only strives to try to preserve its dominance. Sad, but true. Bonus film - with Pascal Coppens ...
BeiJing City Guide
Welcome to Beijing! Discover the vibrant capital city of China, where ancient history meets modernity. Beijing, with its rich heritage, iconic landmarks, delicious cuisine, and bustling streets, promises an unforgettable journey. About Beijing Beijing, also known as Peking, is the political, cultural, and educational center of China. As one of the world's oldest continuous civilizations, Beijing has been the heart of Chinese history for centuries. Key features of Beijing include its historic hutongs (narrow alleys), ancient palaces, and temples alongside modern skyscrapers and shopping malls. The city is renowned for its role in Chinese history, serving as the capital of several dynasties. Top Attractions Forbidden City (Palace Museum): Explore the largest imperial palace complex in the world, with over 9,000 rooms filled with treasures and historical artifacts. Great Wall of China: Visit iconic sections like Badaling, Mutianyu, or Jinshanling for stunning views of this UNESCO World Heritage site. Tiananmen Square: Discover the heart of Beijing and witness the monumental Tiananmen Gate, Chairman Mao's Mausoleum, and the National Museum of China. Temple of Heaven: Experience the spiritual ambiance of this ancient temple complex where emperors once prayed for good harvests. Summer Palace: Wander through lush gardens, pavilions, and Kunming Lake at this UNESCO-listed royal retreat. Hutong Tour: Take a rickshaw ride through traditional hutongs to see local life and visit courtyard homes. 798 Art District: Explore Beijing's contemporary art scene in a former factory complex filled with galleries, studios, and cafes. Lama Temple (Yonghe Temple): Admire the impressive Tibetan-style architecture and giant Buddha statue at this active Buddhist temple. National Museum of China: Learn about Chinese history, art, and culture through extensive exhibitions. Culture and History Beijing is steeped in cultural heritage, offering a glimpse into China's ancient traditions and customs. Peking Opera: Attend a live performance of this traditional art form known for its colorful costumes, music, and storytelling. Chinese Tea Culture: Visit tea houses to sample different teas and participate in tea ceremonies. Imperial Architecture: Marvel at the architectural marvels of the Forbidden City, Summer Palace, and Temple of Heaven. Traditional Festivals: Experience festive celebrations during Chinese New Year, Mid-Autumn Festival, and Dragon Boat Festival. Beijing Cuisine: Indulge in local specialties such as Peking duck, hotpot, dumplings, and street food delicacies. Dining in Beijing Beijing offers a diverse culinary landscape, from gourmet dining to street-side snacks. Peking Duck: Savor the crispy-skinned duck at renowned restaurants like Quanjude or Da Dong. Street Food: Explore Wangfujing Snack Street for a variety of local snacks, skewers, and sweets. Hutong Restaurants: Dine in historic courtyard homes serving homestyle Beijing cuisine. Hotpot: Enjoy interactive dining with a bubbling pot of broth and fresh ingredients. Dumplings and Noodles: Try handmade jiaozi (dumplings) and la mian (hand-pulled noodles) in bustling noodle shops. Teahouses: Relax in traditional teahouses and sample regional teas paired with snacks. Shopping in Beijing Discover unique souvenirs, antiques, and modern goods in Beijing's vibrant shopping districts. Silk Market: Bargain for silk products, clothing, and accessories at this bustling market. Wangfujing Street: Shop for international brands, local goods, and Beijing-style snacks. Panjiayuan Antique Market: Browse through a vast array of antiques, ceramics, and curios. Hongqiao Pearl Market: Find pearls, jewelry, and electronics at competitive prices. Dashilar Street: Explore historic Dashilar alley for traditional handicrafts and nostalgic items. Practical Tips for Visitors Best Time to Visit: Spring (April to May) and autumn (September to October) offer mild weather and fewer crowds. Language: Learn basic Mandarin phrases; use translation apps for communication. Currency: Use Chinese Yuan (CNY); major credit cards accepted in tourist areas. Transportation: Navigate the city with the extensive subway system, buses, taxis, and ridesharing apps. Accommodation: Choose from luxury hotels, boutique guesthouses, or budget-friendly hostels. Etiquette: Respect local customs, such as using both hands to receive items and addressing people with courtesy. Safety: Be cautious of pickpockets in crowded areas; keep valuables secure. Internet Access: Purchase a local SIM card for mobile data; free Wi-Fi available in many public places. Health and Hygiene: Carry bottled water and practice good hygiene; be aware of air quality during winter. Enjoy Your Journey in Beijing! Immerse yourself in the vibrant culture, rich history, and captivating experiences that Beijing has to offer. Whether you're exploring ancient landmarks or indulging in local cuisine, Beijing promises an unforgettable journey that will leave lasting memories.
The NATO bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, former Yugoslavia, 1999
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Industrial policy – China supports new small specialized companies while the West props up old large companies
With Inside China Business ...
Evening walk in ZhuJiaJiao water town, near ShangHai
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Beautiful DaLi 大理, YunNan province
Picturesque DaLi is located in YunNan province, south China, about 300 kilometers (185 miles) northwest of the provincial capital, KunMing. DaLi is surrounded by the CangShan mountains to the east, west and south, with ErHai Lake to the north. In this part of YunNan one can find 25 ethnic minorities (primarily the Bai people), which has created a unique cultural heritage bringing a charm to everyday life and a wide range of festivities. Famous attractions include the Butterfly Spring and the Three Pagodas of ChongSheng Temple. DaLi is also known for its highly prized marble, known as DaLi Stone. The old town is quite separate from the new city (called XiaGuan) and many buildings here, including the city walls and moat, date from the Ming dynasty (1368-1644). DaLi is a 20 minute flight from KunMing (75 minutes from ChengDu and ChongQing). There are also flights to ShangHai, BeiJing, ShenZhen, GuangZhou and GuiYuan. By rail, DaLi is connected to KunMing and LiJiang. 风景如画的大理位于云南省南部中国,约300公里的省会,昆明西北(185哩)。 大理是由苍山群山环绕,东,西,南,与洱海北部。在这部分云南人能找到25个少数民族(主要是白族人),这创造了一个独特的文化底蕴带来的魅力,日常生活和各种庆祝活动。 著名景点包括蝴蝶泉和崇圣寺三塔。大理也以其如获至宝大理石,被称为大理石。 老城区,距离新城区(称为下关)和许多建筑在这里,包括城墙和护城河,日期从明朝(1368-1644)完全分离。 大理距离昆明有20分钟的飞行(从成都和重庆75分钟)。也有航班到​​上海,北京,深圳,广州和桂圆。通过铁路,大理连接昆明和丽江。
Typical evening activity in China
All Chinese cities and towns re full of public spaces and parks that fill with dance and exercise and joy every evening ...
Planning war on China – part 39 – the very last part – so don’t miss it
With Brian Berletic, Ben Norton, Aaron Mate, DDN, George Galloway ... * A comment from the dEVIL : "In the West, I have freedom - to do whatever I feel like. Wherever big money and privilege rule, I can trample and destroy whoever I like; and fool you however I wish ! So easy : ) Resist me, and you are my projection (the 'evil one' - lol; you're just trash). I am me, the greatest and noblest, and you are my slave, er, 'equal' (trust me); but I am your master, well, I am superior; I am the Ministry of Truth. I control everything you know. Just believe. Don't mess with reality when I can protect you with my fantasies." * ** Reply to dEVIL : You are nothing but a fake memory. On awakening, you are gone. The dEVIL has no clothes. ~~~ Save this link - before it disappears, in the name of free speech ; ) ~~~ : It is not about 'me'; it is about 'we'. That is oneness; i.e. love. : Only fear keeps us separate. : Love is the absence of fear. MEANWHILE (back in the civilized world) : The ShangHai metro ... SanLiTun night walk, BeiJing ... The 'China threat' - the 'threat' of a good example - a better path, better life. : In China, the people are family; and the people of the world are all family. : In the West, the 'people', are merely livestock to an elite. Final thought : in this series of posts we have looked at many places around the globe, yet hopefully it is clear by now that it all is part of a master plan to subjugate China. And all of Asia / the 'South'. And you, wherever you are. A tiny, tiny minority subjugating the people of Earth, suffocating their development and well-being; their joy and happiness and dreams. Wish this to be the last in the series. Let's see. UPDATE : Yes, part 39 will be the last. But your favorite voices will continue in a new page called Geopolitics, similar to Expat Voices (to be renamed Travel Voices). Brian, Ben, Angelo, Daniel ... will all be there; auto-updated. Here soon ... (It was actually planned months ago, that's why the geopolitics people disappeared from the Expat Voices page - to move to a new page, but till now has not been constructed. But it will be now - BB has said all we can say and wish to concentrate on travel and culture hence). We also want to say a thank you to the contributors for all their hard work and suggest that if you can do support their invaluable input. Let's hope there is a tomorrow - see you then.

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